SeqEOL Global Variable

See Also: Sequential File I/O, Read, ReadLn


To indicate that the end of a line has been reached in a sequential data file.



What It Does

When a read command encounters an end of line (eol) character in a sequential input file, it sets SeqEOL to True. The ReadLn command, however, sets SeqEOL to False and allows subsequent Read commands to function.

String sElement

Direct_Input "Aircraft.txt"



        Read sElement

        Show sElement ", "

    Until (SeqEOL)



Until (Seqeof)

In this example, input file Aircraft.txt is opened, and delimited data items are read into string variable sElement and shown to the screen. When an end of line marker is detected, the repeat ... until loop terminates and the ReadLn command discards the EOL and sets SeqEOL false. The ShowLn command outputs a carriage return/linefeed to the screen, and execution loops back to the next line of input data.
