See Also: Structure_End, Structure_Start
To terminate a table structure operation without completing it.
Structure_Abort tableNum
The variable containing the handle from the corresponding Structure_Start.
This command can be used when constructing error handling routines. The Structure_Abort command will undo any structure operations that have been done since the last Structure_Start.
Structure_Start hTable
// Create an index, and set its attributes. Also process any errors.
Create_Index hTable at iIndex
on error gosub bad_structure
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 1 to 2
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 2 to 4
Set_Attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of hTable iIndex 3 to 0
Structure_End hTable
showln "An error has occurred while creating the index. Program will abort."
Structure_Abort hTable
This example will call the error-handling procedure bad_structure, if any errors occur during the creation of the index.
After a restructure, tableNum contains a table handle rather than the table number it was passed before the restructure. Therefore, an open tableNum statement after a restructure will return an error. It is good practice either to create a separate variable to pass to Structure_Start for tableNum or to perform restructures in procedures that use a local variable for the parameter.