
See Also: Database API Attributes, Structure_Abort Command, Structure_End Command, Creating and Modifying Table Structures in the Database Essentials section of the Developing Database Applications book, DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME for examples of creating a new table


This command begins creation of a new table or modification of an existing one.


Structure_Start tableNum [driverName]

Argument Explanation


Must be a variable. It must have a value of 0 if starting a new table, or of the number of a table being modified. In either case, a handle to the structure is written back into tableNum so that attributes of the new structure can be queried.


Required when creating a new table. Name of the driver to use when creating the new table. If this parameter is not supplied, it defaults to the embedded database (DataFlex) driver. The names of drivers available from Data Access Worldwide are:

If you are using drivers provided by other vendors, check the driver documentation for the driver name.

What It Does

This command is used to change a table's physical structure, such as adding, deleting or modifying indexes. Inside a Structure_Start...Structure_End bock, Database API Attributes are used to specify the specific attributes, including table, field, and index attributes. See Execute Structure_Start for default attribute values and DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME for examples of creating a new table.


Handle hTable

Move 0 to hTable

Structure_Start hTable "DATAFLEX"


    // do the table creation/modification


Structure_End hTable

The above example shows the Structure_Start...Structure_End block, you could use to create a new DataFlex database table.


Handle hTable

Move 0 to hTable

Structure_Start hTable "DATAFLEX"
Set_Attribute DF_FILE_PHYSICAL_NAME of hTable to "Customer"


    // set other attributes, etc.


Structure_End hTable

Handle hTable

Open Test1

Move Test1.File_Number to hTable

Structure_Start hTable

Set_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME of hTable to "Employee Data" 

Structure_End hTable DF_STRUCTEND_OPT_NONE


//This code would work as intended without the Structure_Start

//and Structure_End commands.


Handle hTable

Open Test1

Move Test1.File_Number to hTable

Set_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME of hTable to "Employee Data"