See Also: Declaring Variables, Variable Declaration Commands, Time and Date Functions, Struct, Date, DateTime, Time
Declares one or more TimeSpan variables.
To declare TimeSpan variables
TimeSpan {identifier} [… {identifier}]
Where {identifier} is a variable name for the new TimeSpan variable.
{identifier} may be between 1 and 4096 characters in length, must start with a letter, and may not contain spaces. Recommended characters are 0-9, a-z, A-Z and _ (underscore).
To declare array variables of type TimeSpan
TimeSpan{dimension-list} {identifier} […{identifier}]
{dimension-list} is a list of one or more array dimensions for the array. A dimension list is declared using square brackets []. One pair of brackets is used to declare each dimension. If the array is static, then you must specify the static size of each dimension between each pair of brackets. i.e. [{size}]. For more information about declaring arrays refer to Array Variable Assignments.
{identifier} may be between 1 and 4096 characters in length, must start with a letter, and may not contain spaces. Recommended characters are 0-9, a-z, A-Z and _ (underscore).
The TimeSpan command declares variables of the TimeSpan type.
The purpose of a TimeSpan variable is to store the result of a calculation between DateTime or Time variables. TimeSpan can store a span of time of up to 65,535 days.
Use TimeSpan manipulation functions SpanAddDay, SpanAddHour, SpanAddMillisecond, SpanAddMinute and SpanAddSecond place constant values in a TimeSpan variable.
Multiple variables may be declared on one command line, with their names separated from each other by spaces.
TimeSpan cannot contain a negative value. The value is a span of time and is always positive.
When you Move data between DateTime, TimeSpan and Date types automatic casting occurs as follows:
Move DateTime to TimeSpan - Always works, data is transferred except month and year, which are set to 0.
Move TimeSpan to DateTime - Always works, but DateTime will be invalid unless it happens to be null.
Move Date to DateTime - Always works. Time portion is all 0.
Move DateTime to Date - Does limited Date type check. It simply checks that Month is 1-12 and Day is 1-31. It will advance the date if the Day (29,30,31) is too large for the month (legacy Date conversion behavior).
Move Date to TimeSpan - Always works, will move date portion to TimeSpan. Day will be added but not Month or Year. Time portion is all 0.
Move TimeSpan to Date - Will be an error unless the TimeSpan is Null.
DateTime and TimeSpan arithmetic works according to the following table:
Operation |
Result |
DateTime + DateTime |
error |
DateTime + TimeSpan |
DateTime |
TimeSpan + TimeSpan |
TimeSpan |
TimeSpan - TimeSpan |
TimeSpan (result is always a positive difference) |
DateTime - DateTime |
TimeSpan (result is always a positive difference) |
DateTime - TimeSpan |
DateTime |
TimeSpan + DateTime |
error |
TimeSpan - DateTime |
error |
Procedure Test
TimeSpan tsVar
Move (DateSetSecond(tsVar, 30)) To tsVar
Move (DateSetMinute(tsVar, 10)) To tsVar
Move (DateSetHour(tsVar, 10)) To tsVar
Move (DateSetDay(tsVar, 30)) To tsVar
This example declares a TimeSpan variable, then initializes its value to 30 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes and 30 seconds.
TimeSpan[] tsIntervals
This example declares 1 dynamic array variable, named tsIntervals, containing an undefined number of elements of type TimeSpan.
TimeSpan[5] tsIntervals
This example declares 1 static array variable, named tsIntervals, containing 5 of elements of type TimeSpan.
TimeSpan[][3] tsIntervals
This example creates a two-dimensional dynamic array variable named tsIntervals, containing an undefined number of elements of type TimeSpan. Conceptually, this represents a rectangular array with an undefined number of rows, each of 3 columns.
You can declare dynamic multi-dimensional arrays where all dimensions are dynamic; these are called jagged arrays.
The TimeSpan type is a structured type with the same internal structure as a DateTime.
TimeSpan types can also be used for declaring variables for storing the difference of two DateTime values, i.e. the subtraction of one DateTime value from another.
Use the date functions, DateSetMonth, DateSetDay, DateSetYear, DateSetSecond, DateSetMinute, and DateSetHour to manually place constant values in a TimeSpan variable.
If you need to define a global TimeSpan variable, you should use the global_variable command to do so.