Function |
Returns |
Returns a DateTime variable or Time variable that contains the current local time. |
Returns the passed value as a date. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of days to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of hours to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of milliseconds to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of minutes to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of months to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of seconds to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of years to or from a given DateTime variable. |
Returns the day of the month component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the day of the week of the given DateTime variable where Sunday is considered the first day of the week. |
Returns the day of the week for the passed DateTime value and starting week day. |
Returns the day of the week for the passed DateTime value where Monday is considered the first day of the week. |
Returns the day of the year of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the hour component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the Millisecond component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the Minute component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the Month component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the Second component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the week of the year for the passed DateTime value. |
Returns the week of the year for the passed DateTime value using the ISO 8601 standard. |
Returns the week of the year for the passed DateTime value and starting week day. |
Returns the Year component of the given DateTime variable. |
Returns the year of the week that the given DateTime value's week number falls into. |
Returns a DateTime variable comprised of the passed year, month and day. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its day adjusted to the passed Day value. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its hour adjusted to the passed Hour value. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its Milliseconds adjusted to the passed Milliseconds value. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its minute adjusted to the passed Minute value. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its month adjusted to the passed Month value. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its seconds adjusted to the passed Seconds value. |
Returns a new DateTime value equal to the passed DateTime with its year adjusted to the passed Year value. |
Returns a Boolean value of 0 if the date is invalid, or 1 if the date is a valid date. |
Returns True if the value of the DateTime variable is null. |
Returns True if the passed TimeSpan variable is valid. |
Returns True if the passed Time variable is valid |
Used to "clear" a DateTime variable. It moves a null value into a DateTime variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of days to or from a given TimeSpan variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of hours to or from a given TimeSpan variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of milliseconds to or from a given TimeSpan variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of minutes to or from a given TimeSpan variable. |
Adds or subtracts a given number of seconds to or from a given TimeSpan variable. |
Returns the Days component of the given TimeSpan variable. |
Returns the Hours component of the given TimeSpan variable. |
Returns the Milliseconds component of the given TimeSpan variable. |
Returns the Minutes component of the given TimeSpan variable. |
Returns the Seconds component of the given TimeSpan variable. |
Calculates the total number of days in the time span and returns a double precision real number of that amount. |
Calculates the total number of Hours in the time span and returns a double precision real number of that amount. |
Calculates the total number of Milliseconds in the time span and returns a double precision real number of that amount. |
Calculates the total number of Minutes in the time span and returns a double precision real number of that amount. |
Calculates the total number of Seconds in the time span and returns a double precision real number of that amount. |