See Also: Array Functions, Array Variable Assignments, String Functions, Working with Arrays, StringToUCharArray, UCharArrayToString, WStringToUCharArray
Returns a DataFlex WString which is a copy of the passed UChar array.
UCharArrayToWString( {UCharArray} )
UCharArrayToWString( {UCharArray}[, {size} ])
UCharArrayToWString( {UCharArray}[, {size} [, {offset} ] )
{UCharArray} is a single dimension UChar[]
{size} limits the number of array items added to the WString (so it equals the number of bytes, which is not the number of characters)
{offset} determines at which array item to start (0-based)
UCharArrayToWString returns a DataFlex WString which is a copy of the passed single-dimension UChar array containing UTF-16 data. Note that a UTF-16 string in a UChar array uses 2 or 4 array items per character.
If {size} is passed, only {size} number of characters of the array are copied to the WString.
If {size} and {offset} are passed, only {size} number of characters of the array are copied to the WString, starting at array item {offset} (0-based).