
See Also: File I/O Commands, Write, WriteLn, Read


To write binary data as two-byte hexadecimal numbers.


write_hex [channel channelNum] value [ ... value]

Argument Explanation

channelNum A value of any class or type in the range 0 to 9, representing the output channel to use. This only needs to be given when output is going to multiple places.

value The data to be written.

What It Does

This command works similarly to the write command. Use write_hex to output hexadecimal digits, and write to print text normally.

Write_hex writes hexadecimal values for the characters in value to the file or device named in the last direct_output command. Write_hex can be used in conjuction with read_hex to convert data between binary and text formats.

direct_output "File.txt"

write_hex "ABCD EFGH"

This example will output the following text to FILE.TXT:


The hex code for "A" (in ASCII) is 41, "B" is 42, "C" is 43, etc.
