
See Also: String, Declaring Variables, Struct, Move, SerializeRowId



tSuggestion is a structured type used to store information about a suggestion list row. It is most often used to represent all suggestions in a tSuggestion array. If it designed for use with classes dbSuggestionForm, cDbCJGridColumnSuggestion and cWebSuggestionForm.

See peSuggestionMode in cWebSuggestionForm and dbSuggestionForm for examples of how this is used.


Type Declaration

Struct tSuggestion

    String sRowId

    String[] aValues



Struct Members


This must be a unique ID that represents the row. Most often this will be serialized version of the RowId (e.g., Move (SerializeRowId(RowId(Customer.File_Number)) to Suggestion.sRowId ) but it can be any unique string value. Each item in a tSuggestion array must have a unique sRowId value.


This is an array of string values that represent the data that is displayed for a suggestion row. Normally, there will only be a single array value, which is the value to be displayed (e.g.  Move sValue to Suggestion.aValues[0]). Additional values are allowed. Validation table suggestion lists use two values, a code and a description).



Use tSuggestion.pkg


tSuggestion {variableName}


Declaring variables

To declare tSuggestion variables, use the name of the type (tSuggestion) followed by the variable name.

tSuggestion MySuggestion

See struct variables for more details of instantiating struct types.