Configure Studio - Database

Use this page to configure the Studio's database modeling options.

Table Explorer

Order tables in the Table Explorer by table name (alphabetically) or number (position in filelist).

Table Editor

Edit using native SQL data types (when supported by database & driver)

Check this option to specify that Table Editor should model table columns using native SQL data types when editing an SQL database table. Uncheck this option to model table columns using only the DataFlex type mappings for SQL databases.

Confirm saves when restructuring more than xxx rows of data

This option will ask you to confirm when restructuring large data restructures, which can take some time.

Never Confirm Saves

When you are using Table Editor to edit a table structure and press save, the resulting restructure of the table can be slow if the table contains many rows of data. If you would like the Studio to warn you before committing a save to a table with many rows of data then un-check "Never Confirm Saves" and enter your desired threshold. Whenever a table containing more than specified number of rows is saved then the Studio will warn you that the operation could be long and ask you to confirm the save.

This can be useful if you normally make frequent saves while you are working but do not want to do this when the save will take a long time.

Automatically generate table definition files (.def)

Check this option to configure the Studio to save table definition (.def) files each time a table is created or a table structure is changed. Table definition (.def) files can be used as a convenient way to document and backup the structure of tables in your database.

Table definition (.def) files are also be explicitly generated by clicking “Refresh table’s definition” in the Table Explorer toolbar or by selecting “Refresh Table Definitions...” from the Database Menu.

Note: .DEF files are only designed to work with the embedded database. For other databases, we recommend using the native tools of the database you are working with to maintain table definitions. 

Use Legacy Data Dictionary Naming Convention

When using the Studio to create a new table, the Studio also creates a data dictionary class for that table. This option controls the naming convention that is used determine the name data dictionary class and the name of the file where it is stored.

Check this option when you want the Studio to use the same naming conventions used by the Database Builder tool prior to DataFlex version 14.1.

When the legacy naming convention is used the following naming convention is applied:

Class name = TableName + "_DataDictionary"

File Name = TableName + ".dd"

(e.g., Customer_DataDictionary is a DataDictionary / Customer.dd)

When the legacy naming convention is not used the following naming convention is applied:

Class name = "c" + TableName + DDSuperClassName

File Name = Class name + ".dd"

(e.g., cCustomerDataDictionary is a DataDictionary / cCustomerDataDictionary.dd)

Query Tester

Struct Generator: Use type prefix

This option determines whether the Struct Generator of the Query Tester creates struct members with a type prefix (e.g. "i" for Integer) by default.


See Also

Configure Studio

Create New Table