The Create New View / Report tab page is used to create new views and reports for windows projects. These new components are added to your current project, which must be a windows project.
These new components may be created by selecting a wizard or by creating a new file based on a template. If you choose to create your component by running a wizard, the wizard will guide you through this process.
Creates a data entry form for a database view. This wizard supports single record layout or header - detail layout using a grid for the child table. Columns may also be arranged into tab pages.
Creates an empty data entry form for a database view from a template. Unlike the Data Entry View Wizard, this will create an empty view with which you can do what you want.
Creates a database report using the Winprint 2 reporting engine.
Creates a 'top down' database report using the Winprint 2 reporting engine. A top down report supports reporting sets of child table data relating to ordered parent table records. e.g. List Orders grouped by Customer Name
Creates a skeleton ReportView with a BasicReport object and default user interface for that report.
You can create template based Data Entry Views, Tabbed Views and Basic Report Views. If you choose to create a component from a template, a dialog will appear asking you to enter the following:
Select an object name for the component. It is recommended that all object names are prefixed with an “o”. If you omit the “o” the Studio will ask if you would to add this. This is recommended but not required.
The directory path determines where the new component file will be saved. Normally this should be your AppSrc directory, the default choice, or a sub directory under the AppSrc directory.
Enter the file name for the new component. By default this name will be the name of the object with the “o” prefix removed. If you do not provide a file extension an extension appropriate for this component will be added.
Note: the Studio only supports file and folder name characters using the standard ASCII character set (ASCII characters 32-127).