The Validation Object tab allows you to define sets of valid column entries stored within validation objects. The validation objects are attached to one or more columns in the table and can be used to validate the entered data or merely to provide a list of suggested values.
Validation objects act in the following ways:
For a detailed introduction to validation objects see Using Validation Tables.
Click the Add Validation Object button to create a new validation object for this data dictionary. This will activate the Create New Validation Object dialog.
Click the Remove Validation Object button to delete the currently selected object in the Validation Objects list.
The Validation Objects list control displays the object names of all the validation objects that are defined in the data dictionary's class package (the .DD file).
Select a validation object to display its validation values and other properties. In addition to the properties that are modeled by the Data Dictionary Modeler, the Properties Panel will model the full set of object properties and their current values.
Use this text box to edit the object name of the currently selected validation object.
This text box displays the class name of the currently selected validation object. This value is assigned when you created the validation object and cannot be edited from within the Data Dictionary Modeler.
There are three different validation object classes that are supported by the Data Dictionary Modeler, they are: ValidationTable, DescriptionValidationTable, and CodeValidationTable.
The ValidationTable class maintains a simple list of values. When you select one of these objects in the Validation Objects list, the values are displayed in a grid control. Use this grid control to add, remove or edit values or to change the ordering of values in the list.
The context menu provides functionality for adding, inserting, deleting or moving values.
The validation values are stored as static data in the validation object declaration.
The DescriptionValidationTable class maintains a list of validation value and description pairs. When you select one of these objects in the Validation Objects list, the values and descriptions are displayed in a grid control. Use this grid control to add, remove or edit values and descriptions or to change the ordering of values in the list.
The context menu provides functionality for adding, inserting, deleting or moving values.
The validation values and descriptions are stored as static data in the validation object declaration.
The CodeValidationTable class accesses a database table (CodeMast) to provide validation value and description pairs. When you select one of these objects in the Validation Objects list, the values and descriptions are displayed in a grid control.
Data in the CodeMast table is grouped by "Type Value". A CodeValidationTable object only reads values matching one Type Value. This allows the CodeMast table to be used for multiple CodeValidationTable objects, each one assigning a different Type Value.
To edit the validation data in the CodeMast table, click the "Edit Validation Data…" button. This activates the Validation Codes Maintenance dialog.
Use this combo control to assign a Type Value to the currently selected CodeValidationTable object. You can enter the Type Value or select one from the combo list. The combo list displays existing Type Values from the CodeMast table.
When you select an existing Type Value, all of the CodeMast records matching this Type Value are displayed in the data grid below and the Type Value's description is displayed in the Description text box.
This text box displays the description of the selected Type Value for the currently selected CodeValidationTable object. This value is read from a database table named CodeType, which is a related parent to the CodeMast table.
To edit the validation data in the CodeType table, click the "Edit Validation Data…" button. This activates the Validation Codes Maintenance dialog.
The data grid displays the validation value and description pairs for the selected Type Value of this CodeValidationTable object.
Click this button to edit the validation data in the CodeMast and CodeType tables. This activates the Validation Codes Maintenance dialog.
Data Dictionary Column Properties
Data Dictionary Table Structures