Select this option to open the SQL Connection Manager. This allows you to manage Managed Connections for the current workspace via Connection IDs.
Select this option to open the SQL Connect/Repair Wizard. This allows you to create or modify connections to SQL database tables.
Select this to open the SQL Conversion Wizard. This allows you to convert tables (typically embedded database tables) to an SQL database.
Select this option to open a table from the current workspace's database in the Table Editor. This allows you to edit the table's structure of columns, indexes and relationships.
Select this option to open a table from the current workspace's database in the Table Viewer. This allows you to view and edit the table's data.
Select this option to create a new table in the current workspace's database. This activates the Create New Table dialog.
Select this option to create an alias of the currently selected table. This activates the Create New Alias Table dialog.
Select this option to activate the Remove Table dialog. This dialog is used to perform one of two possible operations:
Select this option to add a table to the workspace's FileList. This activates the Add Existing Table dialog.
Normally, you will not need to do this. Tables are added to the FileList automatically when they are created in the Studio, or when you connect to an existing table in an SQL database.
Select this option to move a table to a different position in the workspace's FileList. This activates the Move Filelist Entry dialog.
Select this option to open the selected table's .int file in the Code Editor.
An .int file is a text file containing definitions required to connect to that table in a DataFlex application. An .int file is only used to connect to tables that are using a driver other than the embedded database driver.
Normally, you will not need to edit .int files. These are created automatically when you connect to a database table, and are automatically maintained by Table Editor whenever you modify a table's structure.
Consult the appropriate database driver documentation for details about the contents of .int files.
This option will prompt you to refresh all Managed Connection defined for the workspace (via the SQL Connection Manager). Choosing Yes will close tables, register your connections and log in to registered database servers.
Select this option to refresh the workspace's definition of the selected table.
This option does not touch the tables or the .INT files. It rebuilds the .CCH, .FD and .DD files. If an external change has been made to a table that does not require that the .int file gets updated (and most do not), then refresh does what you need. If the .INT file needs updating, you can do this by reconnecting the tables via the wizards or by manually updating the .INT files yourself.
If the Studio is configured to save .DEF files then this option will also rebuild the table’s (.DEF) file. See Configure Studio - Database for more information
Note: .DEF files are only designed to work with the embedded database. For other databases, we recommend using the native tools of the database you are working with to maintain table definitions.
Select this option to open the Filelist Explorer. Filelist Explorer allows you to manage entries in the workspaces File List.
Select this option to open the Studio's SQL Query Test tool. You can also skip the menu and open the Query Tester using the Alt+Q keyboard shortcut.