See Also: Class Member Meta-Data Tags
Used by the Studio Object Properties window and designers to determine whether a property should be exposed in the Studio at design time.
{ DesignTime=True | False }
where True is the default. If this meta-data tag is not used for a class, the class member is exposed in the Studio at design time.
This meta-data tag can be set to False to "hide" a property from the Studio's Object Properties window. Doing so will not hide the property from CodeSense or other Studio tools, only from the Object Properties window.
If you want to "hide" a class member completely from any Studio access, including CodeSense, use the Visibility meta-data tag.
To indicate that a property should not be exposed by the Studio's Object Properties window and designers at design time, add the DesignTime meta-data tag above the property declaration line.
This sample code shows how to indicate that a property declared on a property declaration line should not be exposed in the Studio at design time.
Class cSquare is a cShape
Procedure Construct_Object
forward send Construct_Object
{ DesignTime=False }
Property Integer piNumberOfSides
This sample code shows how to indicate that a property declared using a Procedure Set should not be exposed in the Studio at design time.
Class cAccount is a cObject
Procedure Construct_Object
forward send Construct_Object
{ MethodType=Property DesignTime=False }
Procedure Set CreditBalance
// ...
The DesignTime class member meta-data tag is inherited. If a superclass property is flagged as DesignTime=False, the same property in subclasses of that class will be flagged as DesignTime=False, unless it is explicitly flagged True in that subclass.