MethodType Meta-Tag

See Also: Class Member Meta-Data Tags


Used to override the natural type of the class member being declared in the current class.

Applies To

Properties, Procedures and Functions


{ MethodType={TypeName} }

where {TypeName} can be one of:

The default is determined by the token being declared. For example, the default for a Function declaration is Function.


Usually, this is used to specify that a Procedure Set or Function is considered to be part of a Property declaration, or that a Procedure or Function is considered to be an Event method.


This sample code shows how to indicate that a Procedure Set method is a property declaration. It declares a property with the same name a the method name, in this case, psFirstName.

Class cContact is a cObject


    Procedure Construct_Object

        forward send Construct_Object


        { Visibility=Private }

        Property String psPrivateFirstName



    { MethodType=Property }

    Procedure Set psFirstName String sFirstName

        set psPrivateFirstName to "John"




Of Special Note