
The Output panel is used to display important information as the Studio is performing various operations. Whenever new information is added to the Output panel it will be made visible to highlight the new information.

File References

Many times an entry in the Output panel will contain a reference to some source code file. Whenever this is the case it is possible to double-click the reference to open the source file in the Code Editor and position the cursor to the relevant line.


The main use of the Output panel is to display output while compiling. As a project is being compiled information about each source file is displayed in addition to any compiler warnings or errors.


Reconciling Compile Errors

When compiler errors or warnings are displayed you can double-click the entry to load the file and position the cursor on the error.


When running a project the Studio will display status information about the debugger in the Output Window. If there are any problems applying you breakpoints, then these problems will also be displayed in the Output panel.

Context Menu Operations

The Output panel supports the following context menu options:

Copy to Clipboard

Use this option to copy all text form the output panel into the Windows clipboard. This may be useful for recording information about a particular problem.

Clear All

Use this option to clear the contents of the Output Panel.

Locate In Editor

Whenever the current tree item contains a reference to some source code file then this option can be used to open the file in the Code Editor and position the cursor on the relevant line.