Registration Program Error Messages

Selected registration is already active

Users should not see this message – the button will be disabled when it shouldn't be used. If this message is displayed, contact Data Access Technical Support.

Bad registration code

This happens when either the serial number, the registration name, or the registration code is wrong.

Make sure the registration is for the product you are trying to register and review the information entered – it should be typed exactly how it is printed in your registration card.

Bad serial number of registration

Users should not see this message – it is an internal check when trying to set a license active. If this message is displayed, contact Data Access Technical Support.

You need to select some registration for this operation

Users should not see this message – the button will be disabled when it shouldn't be used. If this message is displayed, contact Data Access Technical Support.

Cannot make registration Active

The only products that can be made active are: CrossMerge, Web Application Server and DataFlex.

Users should not see this message – the button will be disabled when it shouldn't be used. If this message is displayed, contact Data Access Technical Support.

Cannot store license in file

Process of adding license was not completed successfully because write operation failed. This may be caused by a read-only registration file (e.g. Termlist.cfg) or because the user does not have writing rights, for example.

Cannot read registration file

The registration file (e.g.Termlist.cfg) is found, can be opened but the system fails to read it. This may happen because the user does not have reading privileges, for example.

Unable to find any product installed in current directory

No product files (EXE or DLL) in the current directory or registry entries were found.

Cannot find installed product for the license

The registration information entered does not belong to any of the installed products or revisions found by the registration program.

Example: The registration entered is for DataFlex 8 and you have DataFlex 12 installed

Cannot read registry for needed license data

The registry entries containing registration data could be accessed when trying to delete a Web Application Server license.

Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Data Access Worldwide\DataFlex\<revision>\WebApp Server

Cannot delete license

The selected license cannot be removed. This can be caused by a read-only registration file (e.g. Termlist.cfg), for example.

Unknown type of product for the license

Users should not see this message – the product code of the license being added is not one of the Data Access’ products recognized by the program. If this message is displayed, contact Data Access Technical Support.

Cannot delete active license

Users should not see this message – the button will be disabled when it shouldn't be used. If this message is displayed, contact Data Access Technical Support.

In order to add Electos license, you need to have Web Application Server installed

If Web Application Server is not found in the current directory, this error is displayed. The program looks for WebAppServer.exe.

Cannot install Electos license because your Web Application Server license seems to be invalid

The registration is in the registry but no registration file (e.g. Termlist.cfg) is found. Deleting termlist.cfg from the current directory can cause this error.