Important Concepts and Options

When managing Web or Web Service applications, it is important to understand the concepts of sessions and persistence and how to take advantage of the various scalability options at you disposal.  Process Pooling allows you to use your existing server resources much more efficiently. Load Balancing allows you to extend your resources over multiple servers.

Security, Performance, Load Balancing and Failover for our Web Applications

“SPLF” stands for Security, Performance, Load Balancing and Failover.

This special server is used as a manager and application collaborator that provides services and resources to one or more DataFlex WebApp Servers executing web applications.

The SPLF Server is the HTTP interface for DataFlex web and mobile applications. It intercepts users’ HTTP requests and directs them to one or more connected application servers. The application server(s) return application pages and data through the SPLF server. The four valuable functions provided by an SPLF server are:

A DataFlex SPLF server runs on its own dedicated server instance. To keep licensing simple, the entitlement to connect to an SPLF server is licensed as a low-cost add-on fee to the application server license price. SPLF Servers can be connected to DataFlex WebApp Servers using either Web Client or Web Application licensing.