The Studio status bar displays status information about various parts of the Studio. The content of the status bar panels varies depending on what action is currently being performed. Below is a description of each status panel from left to right:
This displays the path and filename of the file currently being edited in the Code Editor or Visual Designer.
While debugging and the debugger is paused then this panel displays the instruction address associated with the current cursor position in the editor.
While using the Visual Designer this panel displays the size of the currently selected object.
While editing code this panel displays the current line and column number of the edit cursor.
While using the Visual Designer this panel displays the location of the currently selected object.
If there are modeling problems in the current project then this panel displays the problem indicator icon. Clicking this icon will activate the Problem Resolution window.
If the current file has visually modeled objects and the Visual Designer is drag locked for that file then the drag lock indicator is enabled in this panel.
Click on this icon to toggle the file's drag lock state.
If the current file is read only then the read only indicator is enabled in this panel.
Click on this icon to toggle the file’s read only state.
If the editor's text editing mode is insert then INS is indicated here. If the text editing mode is overtype then OVR is indicated.
If the keyboard's Capslock key is set then CAPS is indicated here.
If the keyboard's Num Lock key is set then NUM is indicated here.