Class Member (Property, Procedure and Function) Meta-Data Tags

See Also: Studio Meta-Data


Below is the listing of all class member meta-data tags. Read Class Member Meta-Data Rules for details on how to apply these tags to your DataFlex source code.

Public Class Member Meta-Data Tags

This table represents all valid public meta-data tags for class members (properties, procedures and functions). Using class member meta-data tags other than the public tags listed here is considered a coding error.

Tag Name



Used by Studio CodeSense and designers to determine how a property should be grouped in the Studio's Properties panel.


Used by Studio CodeSense and designers to determine whether a property should be exposed in the Studio at design time.

Note: Only applies to properties.


Used by Studio CodeSense and designers to determine valid enumerated constants that can be used as a property's value.


Indicates the initial value of a property.


Used to override the natural type of the class member being declared.


Specifies that this class member is obsolete


Used to assign a pre-defined meaning to the property.


Used by Studio CodeSense and designers to determine how a class member should be exposed.


Used by Studio CodeSense and designers to identify a property of a web object that is published to the client.

For more information about web properties refer to "Web Properties Methods and Events".

To learn about passing structured data to and from the client refer to "Communication".

See also "Data Types, Variables and Constants"


Private Class Member Meta-Data Tags

This table represents all private meta-data tags for class members. You may see these tags used in the DataFlex package library. Private tags are not documented and not intended for developer implementation. Developers' classes will inherit tags indicated by private meta-data tags when subclassing from the DataFlex class library.

Tag Name



Indicates that the method, most likely a property is column based. This implies that the property should have an item property as its first parameter. This, along with the class ColumnBased meta-data tag determines if a property will appear in the Properties or Column Properties page in the Object Properties panel.


Used to declare special runtime properties that are set with two integer values and are returned as a single folded integer value (e.g Size). This is used to display these properly in the Object Properties panel. Developer should never create folded properties.


Used by the DataFlex class documentation system.


ItemParameter=1 specifies that the first parameter is an item parameter and that it is optional. When not provided the compiler provides a default value for the this parameter. This can only be applied to system properties. Developers cannot create their own optional item parameters and therefore this setting should never be used or changed.


See Also

Studio Meta-Data

Class Meta-Data Tags

Object Member Meta-Data Tags