The AboutDialog class is used to create a popup about dialog object. The object displays information about the application (title, version, copyright, author and a bitmap) which is determined by setting properties within this object. In addition, the dialog contains an additional edit area that automatically provides detailed information about your application and your environment.
The object is invoked by sending the Popup message to it.
You may never need to deal directly with this class. A standard about package, StdAbout.pkg, is provided that is used in all of our samples and most of our tools. This package is included as part of the standard template for a new windows application. You may find that this package will serve your needs. As long as you only need to customize the application title, version, copyright, author and about bitmap, you can use StdAbout and perform all of your customizations by sending DoAbout. A sample of this can be found in the Order Entry System.
Use StdAbout.pkg Procedure Activate_About Send DoAbout "Order Entry Sample Application" "" "Copyright (c) 2012 Data Access Corporation" "Data Access Worldwide" "OrderAbout.bmp" End_Procedure
DoAbout is passed a Title,Version, Copyright, Author and Bitmap. When called it creates the about dialog object based on AboutDialog. It then sets ProductName, Version, Copyright, Author and sBitmap and invokes it. Upon completion the about dialog is destroyed.
When you create a new application, your .src file will contain a "Send DoAbout" line. Just find this line and customize your parameters. In most cases, this should suit your needs.
If you find that your about dialog requires greater customization, you can create your own object based on AboutDialog.
To create a custom About dialog in your application, you could create your own package for this and include it in your application. Call it something like OrderAbout.dg and use it in place of the StdAbout.pkg and DoAbout procedure. For example:
Use OrderAbout.pkg // Comment or delete the standard about. //Use StdAbout.pkg // //Procedure Activate_About // Send DoAbout "Order Entry Sample Application" "" "Copyright (c) 2012 Data Access Corporation" "Data Access Worldwide" "" // End_Procedure
New File:
// OrderAbout.pkg Use DfAbout.pkg Object oAbout is an AboutDialog Set ProductName to "Order Sample Application" Set Version to "" Set Copyright to " Copyright (c) 2012 Data Access Corporation" Set Author to "Author: Data Access Worldwide" Set psBitmap to ""OrderAbout.bmp" End_Object Procedure Activate_About Send Popup of oAbout End_Procedure
If you use the standard the help menus, add a menu item based on cCJAboutMenuItem. This is already done in our templates, so it's just there. This menu item, accesses the about dialog by sending Activate_About.
There are only a few properties which will be set in an AboutDialog objecy. Those are:
Property Name | Description |
ProductName | Name of application. If none provided, uses caption-bar title |
Version | Version Line. If none provided, will be blank |
CopyRight | Copyright Line. If none provided, will be blank |
Author | Author name. If none provided, will be blank |
Logo | Bitmap logo. If none provided, standard DataFlex bitmap is used. |