Verify_Exit_Application - AppDialog

Sent by the client area to verify that an application may be exited

Type: Event

Return Data Type: Integer

Parameters: None

Return Value

If a non-zero value is returned, the program will not be exited.

Function Verify_Exit_Application Returns Integer


Verify_exit_application is sent by the client area to verify that an application may be exited.

This checks if the view is changed (by calling view_changed) and if changed, it presents a verification message giving the user the choice to exit the application. This can be augmented to change the verification message or to control exit verification. The following sample will always ask if a view should be closed.

Function Verify_Exit_Application returns integer
    integer iFail
    // confirm returns 1 if NO and 0 if yes
    Get Confirm ("Are you sure you wish to exit " + Label(Self)) to iFail
    Function_Return iFail