For most purposes, developers should use the much more efficient native arrays and structs built into the DataFlex language.
The Array class is a general storage device. It is used to store all data types. Its size grows dynamically to accommodate the storage requirements. Data elements in the array are accessed by an integer index.
An array may store any type of data in any item. It is up to the program to know what the data-type of each item should be.
Each data item is accessed with the Value property. The number of elements in an array is maintained in the Item_count propery. Array items may be sorted used the the Sort_items method.
Object oArray1 is a Array End_Object Procedure DoFillArray Integer iCounter Send Delete_Data of oArray1 For iCounter from 0 to 100 Set Value of oArray1 iCounter to (string(iCounter ) * "name") Loop End_Procedure Procedure DoShowArray Integer iCounter iItems String sValue Get Item_Count of oArray1 to iItems For iCounter from 0 to (iItems-1) Get Value of oArray1 iCounter to sValue showln sValue loop End_Procedure