Returns the DDO's current record identifier
Function CurrentRowId Returns RowId
Call: | Get CurrentRowId to RowIdVariable |
RowId riRow Get CurrentRowId of hoDDO to riRow
CurrentRowId is used to obtain the current record identity (RowId) of a Data Dictionary Object (DDO). This function can be used store a DDO's record identity so that the record can be refound at a later time.
Procedure ProcessInvoices RowId riCurrentInvoice Get CurrentRowId of oInvoices_DD to riCurrentInvoice Send RunInvoiceReport // assume that running this report may change the current record of the DDO // therefore we will restore the DDO back to the record we started with Send FindByRowId of oInvoices_DD Invoices.File_number riCurrentInvoice End_Procedure // ProcessInvoices
Note that this function returns a RowId data type and that the variable receiving this value must be a RowId variable.
If the DDO does not contain a current record, a Null RowId value will be returned.
Procedure CheckRecord RowId riCurrentInvoice Get CurrentRowId of oInvoices_DD to riCurrentInvoice If (IsNullRowID(riCurrentInvoice)) begin Error DFERR_OPERATOR "There is no Record to Process" End Else Begin Send ProcessRecord riCurrentInvoice End End_Procedure // CheckRecord
You can also use the HasRecord function to determine if a DDO contains an active record.
See Also