RebuildAllConstraints - BaseData_Set

Can be sent to any DDO within a DDO structure to rebuild all constraint within the structure

Type: Procedure

Parameters: None

Procedure RebuildAllConstraints 

Call: Send RebuildAllConstraints


RebuildAllConstraints can be sent to any DataDictionary object (DDO) within a DDO structure to rebuild all constraint within the structure.

Whenever a constraint is changed, Rebuild_Constraints must be sent to the DDO that was changed. In addition, Rebuild_Constraints should be sent to all DDOs that might be impacted by the change. This is required when constraints are inherited.

We therefore advise that you send Rebuild_Constraints to all DDOs within a DDO structure. RebuildAllConstraints does this. It sends Rebuild_Constraints to all DDOs in the structure. We advise that you send RebuildAllConstraints instead of sending Rebuild_Constraints. It is easier and less error prone. You still might use Rebuild_Constraints for augmentation but even this is unlikely.