Refind_Records - BaseData_Set

Checks to see if the record in the global table buffer is the same as the record in the DDO buffer and refinds the record in the global table buffer if needed

Type: Procedure

Parameters: None

Procedure Refind_Records 

Call: Send Refind_Records


If you want to make sure your global table buffer is synchronized with the Data Dictionary Object (DDO) buffer, you can send the Refind_Records message.

This checks to see if the record in the global table buffer is the same as the record in the DDO Field Buffer. If it is not, it will re-find the record. This updates the global table buffer, ensuring that the global table buffer and DDO Field Buffer are synchronized. This performs this check for the DDO's table and all ancestor (parent, grandparent, etc.) and descendant (child, grandchild, etc.) DDOs.

Note that Refind_Records does not update any data entry objects (DEOs) that use this DDO as their Server. To do that, send Request_Assign after Refind_Records.

Refind_Records does not raise an error if any of the records cannot be found.

The standard method of sending this message is:

Send Refind_Records {of DDO-Object}


For example, you may have a report that runs a batch process in the report's body section which may switch records (the batch process may contain a DDO structure based on the same table). By sending Refind_Records after the process, you can be sure your Global Record Buffer contains the data for the record in your DDO.

This example is somewhat contrived - you should rarely need to use Refind_Records.

Procedure Body
    String sFont
    Integer iFontSize iStyle
    Handle hoDD

    Get Server to hoDD // the DDO currently handling the report
    Send Update_Status (String(Customer.Customer_number))

    // this runs a batch process which may find a different customer
    Send CheckForDuplicateCustomers Customer.Customer_number

    // this makes sure that the customer data is correct. 
    Send Refind_Records of hoDD

    Move "Arial" to sFont
    Move 8 to iFontSize
    Move (font_default) to iStyle

    DfWritePos Customer.Customer_Number       0.8 (iStyle + Font_Right) 0
    DfWritePos Customer.Name                    2 iStyle -1 4.98
    DfWritePos Customer.Address                 7 iStyle -1 4.98
    DfWritePos Customer.City                   12 iStyle -1 3.98
    DfWritePos Customer.State                  15 iStyle -1 0.98
    DfWritePos Customer.Zip                    17 iStyle -1 1.98

See Also

Synchronization of File Buffers and DDO-Field-Buffer