Request_Relate - BaseData_Set

Performs a relate on the specified table without initializing the done-array

Type: Procedure

Parameters: Integer iFile

iFileThe number of the specified table

Procedure Request_Relate Integer iFile

Call: Send Request_Relate iFile


The Request_Relate procedure performs a relate on the specified table without initializing the done-array. Intended to be sent within the Relate_Main_File procedure to inform this object that a successful manual relationship has been performed. Sending this message is required so that fields from the target table and its parents will be properly displayed on the data entry objects (DEOs) of this object.


Class LineItem_DD is a DataDictionary
    Procedure Relate_Main_File    //perform a manual relate to INVT
        Forward Send Relate_Main_File

        Clear Invt
        Move LineItem.Part_Id to invt.part_id
        Find Eq Invt.Part_Id
        If (Found) Send Request_Relate Invt.File_Number
        Else Send Request_Clear_File Invt.File_Number
    End_Procedure  // Relate_Main_File

Request_Relate is only sent if the Find was successful, and that the target of the manual relationship (a DataDictionary object (DDO) for Invt) must be attached via DDO_Server to the child DDO.

If you send this message to a DDO from the program (rather than from a DEO), precede this with Entry_Update 0 1 to make sure the table buffer contains the record you intend to act on.