Request_Superfind - BaseData_Set

Performs superfind on the designated table by the Main_Index of the designated field and notifies all connected DataDictionary objects (DDOs) of the result

Type: Procedure

Parameters: Integer eFindMode Integer iFile integer iField

eFindModeMay be any of the standard find modes, i.e., lt, le, eq, ge, or gt, or it may be either Next_Record, First_Record, or Last_Record
iFileNumber of the table to perform find operation on
iFieldNumber of table field to use for find operation

Procedure Request_Superfind Integer eFindMode Integer iFile integer iField

Call: Send Request_Superfind eFindMode iFile iField


The Request_Superfind procedure performs superfind on the designated table by the Main_Index of the designated field and notifies all connected DataDictionary objects (DDOs) of the result. It sets the Found indicator to reflect the success or failure of the find operation.

In the DataDictionary, dbForm and dbGrid classes, sends of it to a DataDictionary object (DDO) require predefined Indicator Err to be set to False beforehand, in case an error other than "Find past end of table" or "Find prior to beginning of table" is generated by the superfind.


Send Request_Superfind of Vendor_DD FILE_FIELD OrderHea.Vend_Code


Send Request_Superfind of Vendor_DD OrderHea.File_Number FIELD APHead.Vend_Code


Send Request_Superfind of Vendor_DD OrderHea.File_Number 2

Request_Superfind is not re-entrant. Once a major Data-Dictionary operation (save, find, delete, clear) has begun you cannot start another major operation. The reentrancy restriction applies within DDO structures and across DDO structures.