psNodeName - BaseXmlDomNode

Returns a string containing the name that was set at the time the node was created

Type: Property

Access: Read-Only

Data Type: String

Parameters: None

 Property String psNodeName

Read Access: Get psNodeName to StringVariable


psNodeName returns a string containing the name that was set at the time the node was created. The meaning of the node name varies as shown below, depending on the type of node. Some types of nodes (text nodes, cdata-section nodes, comment nodes, document nodes, and document fragment nodes) have non-unique node names assigned by the system.

Element Tag name
Attribute Attribute name
Text Nodes #text
CDATASection Nodes #cdata-section
EntityReference Name of entity referenced
Entity Entity Name
ProcessingInstruction Target Name
Comment #comment
Document #document
DocumentType Node Document Type Name
DocumentFragment #document-fragment
Notation Notation name


Get psNodeName Of hoNode To sName
Showln  "The name of the node is " sName