DataFlex Windows Application and Web Application Class Library

Show Only Public Classes   Windows Application Library   Web Application Library


AboutDialogUsed to create an About Dialog in an application
AbstractFileDialogAbstract class used to provide access to the Windows file dialog [Abstract]
AbstractProgressBarAbstract progress bar superclass [Abstract] [Obsolete]
AbstractShapeControlAbstract class used to demonstrate DataFlex communicating with the Windows API [Abstract]
AbstractTreeViewAbstract low level TreeView Class [Abstract]
AppClientAreaProvides a client area to contain all of an application's views (MDI child dialogs) [Abstract]
AppDialogExtends the MDIDialog class to provide support with a level consistent with the App... classes [Abstract]
AppPanelProvides a top-level window for applications that is independent of all other windows [Abstract]
AppStatusBarProgress bar superclass [Obsolete]
AppToolBarToolbar superclass [Obsolete]
ArrayUsed to create a collection of values which are stored and accessed via item numbers


BaseData_SetAbstract class providing methods for accessing databases in a program [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomAttributeAbstract XML class for handling an attribute node [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomcDataSectionAbstract XML class for handling cDataSection nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomCharacterDataAbstract XML class for handling character/text nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomCommentAbstract XML class for handling comment nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomDocumentAbstract XML class for handling an XML document [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomDocumentFragmentAbstract XML class for handling an XML document fragment [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomDocumentTypeAbstract XML class for handling Document Type (DTD) nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomElementAbstract XML class for handling element nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomEntityAbstract XML class for handling Entity nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomEntityReferenceAbstract XML class for handling Entity Reference nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomImplementationAbstract XML class for handling Implementation nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomNamedNodeMapAbstract XML class for handling named node map nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomNodeThe ultimate XML abstract superclass designed to handle all XML node types [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomNodeListAbstract XML class for handling node lists [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomNotationAbstract XML class for handling notation nodes [Abstract]
BaseXMLDomParseErrorProvides support reporting parsing errors in an XML document [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomProcessingInstructionAbstract XML class for handling Processing Instructions (PIs) nodes [Abstract]
BaseXmlDomTextNodeAbstract XML class for handling text nodes [Abstract]
BasicPanelProvides a top-level window for applications that is independent of all other windows
BasicReportSupports creation of hierarchies of objects that can output data from the database or change large numbers of records in it
BasicStatusBarStatus bar superclass [Abstract] [Obsolete]
BasicToolBarToolbar superclass [Obsolete]
BitmapContainerProvides a means for enabling users to select bitmap graphic files to display in programs
BroadcasterProvides grouping and message-relaying services for a set of objects
BusinessProcessContains and executes the statements to perform a batch process on an application's database tables
ButtonDisplays a button, with an image and/or text label, that executes an action when clicked


cAnimationDisplays an AVI animation clip
cApplicationEncapsulates methods and properties that are essential to the running of your application
cBaseDbLocalWebControlHostAbstract FlexTron base class that should never be instantiated by a developer directly
cBaseErrorHandlerAbstract class that contains the shared functionality of the cWebErrorHandler and the cWindowsErrorHandler
cBaseHTTPTransferAbstract class for handling HTTP transfers [Abstract]
cBaseLocalControlHostAbstract FlexTron base class that should never be instantiated by a developer directly
cBaseSQLExecutorAbstract API base class for executing SQL Statements from DataFlex
cBaseWebComponentAn abstract base DDO container for web component objects [Abstract]
cBaseWebView2BrowserIn Progress...
cCharTranslateAllows conversion of data from various character encodings to various destination types
cCJAboutMenuItemA menu item which is used to invoke an about dialog in your program
cCJAbstractCommandBarAbstract class providing common basis for menubar and toolbar classes [Abstract]
cCJActionAbstract class (usually) to manage the "action" component of menu item
cCJArrangeIconsMenuItemA menu item which is used to arrange all minimized views in an MDI application
cCJAutoArrangeIconsMenuItemA menu item which is used to toggle the auto-arrange icon state of the MDI Client
cCJBackstageButtonProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock BackstageButton class
cCJBackstageButtonPropPageProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock BackstageButtonPropPage class
cCJBackstageListBoxProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock BackstageListBox class
cCJBackstageSeparatorProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock BackstageSeparator class
cCJCascadeMenuItemA menu item which is used to cascade views in an MDI application
cCJClearAllMenuItemA menu item which will clear all record data in a DD based view
cCJClearMenuItemA menu item which will clear record data in a DD based view
cCJColorManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ColorManager class
cCJCommandBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBar class
cCJCommandBarActionProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarAction class
cCJCommandBarActionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarActions class
cCJCommandBarButtonProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarButton class
cCJCommandBarCheckBoxProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarCheckBox class
cCJCommandBarComboBoxUsed to interact with a menubar's COM combo control - Provides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarComboBox class
cCJCommandBarControlThe super class of all COM menu/toolbar item controls -Provides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarControl class
cCJCommandBarControlColorSelectorProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarControlColorSelector class
cCJCommandBarControlCustomProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarControlCustom class
cCJCommandBarControlsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarControls class
cCJCommandBarEditUsed to interact with a menubar's COM edit control - Provides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarEdit class
cCJCommandBarGalleryProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarGallery class
cCJCommandBarGalleryItemProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarGalleryItem class
cCJCommandBarGalleryItemsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarGalleryItems class
cCJCommandBarPopupProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarPopup class
cCJCommandBarPopupColorProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarPopupColor class
cCJCommandBarProgressProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarProgress class
cCJCommandBarsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBars class
cCJCommandBarsContextMenusProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarsContextMenus class
cCJCommandBarScrollBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarScrollBar class
cCJCommandBarsFrameProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarsFrame class
cCJCommandBarsGlobalSettingsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarsGlobalSettings class
cCJCommandBarSliderProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarSlider class
cCJCommandBarsOptionsProvides access to many commandbar system COM options - Provides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CommandBarsOptions class
cCJCommandBarSystemThe main class used to create and manage a menu, toolbar, statusbar system
cCJComMenuBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MenuBar class
cCJComMenuBarMDIMenuProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MenuBarMDIMenu class
cCJComMenuBarMDIMenusProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MenuBarMDIMenus class
cCJComSkinFrameworkProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SkinFramework class
cCJComSkinFrameworkGlobalSettingsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SkinFrameworkGlobalSettings class
cCJComStatusBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock StatusBar class
cCJComStatusBarPaneProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock StatusBarPane class
cCJComTabControlItemProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TabControlItem class
cCJComTabToolBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TabToolBar class
cCJContextMenuUsed to create context menu for a commandbar system
cCJCopyMenuItemA menu item which will perform a text copy operation on focus objects
cCJCustomizeOptionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock CustomizeOptions class
cCJCutMenuItemA menu item which will perform a text cut operation on focus objects
cCJDataObjectProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock DataObject class
cCJDataObjectFilesProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock DataObjectFiles class
cCJDeleteEditMenuItemA menu item which will perform a text delete operation on focus objects
cCJDeleteMenuItemA menu item which will delete record data in a DD based view
cCJDeoMenuItemAbstract class used to support the DEO menu item sub-classes [Abstract]
cCJDEONavigateMenuItemAbstract class used to support the DEO navigation menu item sub-classes [Abstract]
cCJDesignerMenuUsed to add menu items to the customize menus dialog
cCJDialogBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock DialogBar class
cCJExitMenuItemA menu item which is used to exit the application
cCJFieldChooserProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock FieldChooser class
cCJFindFirstMenuItemA menu item which will find first record data in a DD based view
cCJFindLastMenuItemA menu item which will find last record data in a DD based view
cCJFindMenuItemA menu item which will find GE record data in a DD based view
cCJFindNextMenuItemA menu item which will find next (GT) record data in a DD based view
cCJFindPreviousMenuItemA menu item which will find previous (LT) record data in a DD based view
cCJFrameShadowProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock FrameShadow class
cCJFrameShadowManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock FrameShadowManager class
cCJFrameShadowsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock FrameShadows class
cCJGridUsed to create basic (non-data-aware) multi-row, multi-column display and entry grids
cCJGridBehaviorProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridBehavior class
cCJGridBehaviorRowProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridBehaviorRow class
cCJGridBehaviorRowMouseProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridBehaviorRowMouse class
cCJGridBehaviorRowMouseButtonProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridBehaviorRowMouseButton class
cCJGridCachedDataSourceProvides a cacheable datasource that uses DD to find records
cCJGridColumnModels a grid column. Each column in a cCJGrid is represented by a grid column object.
cCJGridColumnOrderProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridColumnOrder class
cCJGridColumnRowIndicatorA grid column class that can be used to create a row indicator in the first grid column
cCJGridColumnsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridColumns class
cCJGridColumnXTPProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridColumnXTP class
cCJGridControlProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridControl class
cCJGridControlGlobalSettingsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridControlGlobalSettings class
cCJGridDataManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridDataManager class
cCJGridDataSourceProvides data storage and data management capabilities for a cCJGrid
cCJGridFieldChooserProvides a Column Selector for Grid Classes
cCJGridFieldChooserMenuItemA cCJGrid header context menu item, which will invoke the grid's field chooser panel
cCJGridFieldChooserPanelProvides a panel object to hold a cCJGridFieldChooser control
cCJGridFreezeColumnMenuItemA cCJGrid header context menu item, which will set or clear a freeze column
cCJGridGroupRowProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridGroupRow class
cCJGridHitTestInfoProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridHitTestInfo class
cCJGridHyperlinkProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridHyperlink class
cCJGridHyperlinksProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridHyperlinks class
cCJGridHyperlinkStyleProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridHyperlinkStyle class
cCJGridInplaceButtonProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridInplaceButton class
cCJGridItemButtonProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridItemButton class
cCJGridItemControlProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridItemControl class
cCJGridItemControlsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridItemControls class
cCJGridNavigatorProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridNavigator class
cCJGridNotificationsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridNotifications class
cCJGridNotificationsPopulateProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridNotificationsPopulate class
cCJGridNotificationsRowProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridNotificationsRow class
cCJGridNotificationsSelectedRowsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridNotificationsSelectedRows class
cCJGridPaintManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridPaintManager class
cCJGridPrintOptionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridPrintOptions class
cCJGridPromptListUsed to provide Prompt Lookup Lists
cCJGridRecordProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecord class
cCJGridRecordItemProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecordItem class
cCJGridRecordItemConstraintProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecordItemConstraint class
cCJGridRecordItemConstraintsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecordItemConstraints class
cCJGridRecordItemEditOptionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecordItemEditOptions class
cCJGridRecordItemMetricsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecordItemMetrics class
cCJGridRecordsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRecords class
cCJGridRestoreLayoutMenuItemA cCJGrid header context menu item which will restore the grid layout back to its original layout
cCJGridRowProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRow class
cCJGridRowsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridRows class
cCJGridSectionProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridSection class
cCJGridSectionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridSections class
cCJGridSelectedRowsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridSelectedRows class
cCJGridToolTipInfoProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock GridToolTipInfo class
cCJHelpMenuItemA menu item which is used to invoke help in your program
cCJIGridBehaviorRowModifierProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock IGridBehaviorRowModifier class
cCJImageManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ImageManager class
cCJImageManagerIconProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ImageManagerIcon class
cCJImageManagerIconsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ImageManagerIcons class
cCJImageManagerIconSetProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ImageManagerIconSet class
cCJImageManagerPropPageProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ImageManagerPropPage class
cCJIResourceImageListProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock IResourceImageList class
cCJKeyBindingProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock KeyBinding class
cCJKeyBindingsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock KeyBindings class
cCJMarkupContextProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MarkupContext class
cCJMarkupObjectProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MarkupObject class
cCJMarkupRoutedEventProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MarkupRoutedEvent class
cCJMarkupSolidColorBrushProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MarkupSolidColorBrush class
cCJMarkupThicknessProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MarkupThickness class
cCJMarkupUIElementProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MarkupUIElement class
cCJMDIWindowsMenuItemA popup menu item class that dynamically adds MDI views to the end of its item list
cCJMenuBarUsed to create a menubar within a commandbar system
cCJMenuItemUsed to create menu and toolbar item objects
cCJMenuTitleBarIn Progress...
cCJMessageBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MessageBar class
cCJMinimizeWindowsMenuItemA menu item which is used to minimize all views in an MDI application
cCJMiniToolBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock MiniToolBar class
cCJNextAreaMenuA menu item which will navigate to the next aea within a view
cCJNextViewMenuA menu item which will navigate to the next view in the MDI list
cCJPaintManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock PaintManager class
cCJPasteMenuItemA menu item which will perform a text paste operation on focus objects
cCJPrintInfoProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock PrintInfo class
cCJPrintPageHeaderFooterProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock PrintPageHeaderFooter class
cCJPrintPreviewProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock PrintPreview class
cCJPriorAreaMenuA menu item which will navigate to the prior area within a view
cCJPriorViewMenuA menu item which will navigate to the prior view in the MDI list
cCJPromptMenuItemA menu item which will invoke a prompt object
cCJPropExchangeProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock PropExchange class
cCJRecentFileListProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RecentFileList class
cCJRecentFileListItemProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RecentFileListItem class
cCJRememberFieldMenuItemClass to support DD Remember feature
cCJRememberLastFieldMenuItemClass to support DD Remember feature
cCJResourceImagesProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ResourceImages class
cCJRestoreMenusMenuItemA menu item which is used to restore the commandbar system's layout back to its original configuration
cCJRestoreWindowsMenuItemA menu item which is used to restore all minimized views in an MDI application
cCJRibbonBackstageCommandProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonBackstageCommand class
cCJRibbonBackstageMenuSeparatorProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonBackstageMenuSeparator class
cCJRibbonBackstageTabProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonBackstageTab class
cCJRibbonBackstageViewProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonBackstageView class
cCJRibbonBarProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonBar class
cCJRibbonBarSystemButtonProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonBarSystemButton class
cCJRibbonGroupProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonGroup class
cCJRibbonGroupsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonGroups class
cCJRibbonPaintManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonPaintManager class
cCJRibbonTabProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock RibbonTab class
cCJSaveMenuItemA menu item which will save record data in a DD based view
cCJSelectAllMenuItemA menu item which will perform a text select all operation on focus objects
cCJSelectedTrackBlocksProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SelectedTrackBlocks class
cCJSkinDescriptionProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SkinDescription class
cCJSkinDescriptionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SkinDescriptions class
cCJSkinFrameworkProvides skinning support to an application
cCJSkinIniFileProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SkinIniFile class
cCJSkinSchemaProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock SkinSchema class
cCJStateOptionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock StateOptions class
cCJStatusBarUse to create a statusbar in a commandbar system
cCJStatusbarMenuItemA menu item which is used to toggle the visibility of the statusbar
cCJStatusBarPaneUsed to create statusbar panes in a commandbar system's statusbar
cCJStatusBarProgressPaneProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock StatusBarProgressPane class
cCJStatusBarSliderPaneProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock StatusBarSliderPane class
cCJStatusBarSwitchPaneProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock StatusBarSwitchPane class
cCJSuperFindMenuItemA menu item which will superfind record data in a DD based view
cCJSuperFindNextMenuItemA menu item which will superfind next-record data in a DD based view
cCJSuperFindPreviousMenuItemA menu item which will superfind previous-record data in a DD based view
cCJTabControlItemUsed to place tab-item pages within a tab-toolbar (cCJTabtoolbar) object.
cCJTabManagerMarginProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TabManagerMargin class
cCJTabPaintManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TabPaintManager class
cCJTabPaintManagerColorSetProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TabPaintManagerColorSet class
cCJTabToolBarUsed to create a tab-toolbar in a commandbar system
cCJTabWorkspaceProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TabWorkspace class
cCJTileHorizontallyA menu item which is used to horizontally tile views in an MDI application
cCJTileVerticallyA menu item which is used to vertically tile views in an MDI application
cCJToolbarUsed to create toolbars within a commandbar system
cCJToolTipContextProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock ToolTipContext class
cCJTrackBlockProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackBlock class
cCJTrackControlProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackControl class
cCJTrackControlItemProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackControlItem class
cCJTrackMarkerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackMarker class
cCJTrackMarkersProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackMarkers class
cCJTrackPaintManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackPaintManager class
cCJTrackUndoManagerProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock TrackUndoManager class
cCJUndoMenuItemA menu item which will perform an Undo operation on focus objects
cCJUnRememberFieldAllMenuItemClass to support DD Remember feature
cCJUnRememberFieldMenuItemClass to support DD Remember feature
cCJXtremePrinterInfoProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock XtremePrinterInfo class
cCJXtremePrintPreviewOptionsProvides a standard COM import wrapper for the Codejock XtremePrintPreviewOptions class
cCJZoomMenuItemA menu item which will invoke a zoom object
cClientWebServiceThe base class for all client web-services
cClientWebService12Class that supports client web-services using SOAP 1.2
cCLIHandlerImplements functionality common for the CLI based Connectivity Kits (SQL Server, DB2 and ODBC)
cCollectionMaintains a collection of object handles [Obsolete]
cComActiveXControlGenerates wrapper classes for imported ActiveX controls
cComActiveXEntryControl_Abstract class for creating DDO aware Active X controls [Abstract]
cComAutomationObjectGenerates wrapper classes for imported OLE Automation Objects [Abstract]
cComDbActiveXControlGenerates data-aware wrapper classes for imported ActiveX controls
cComDbActiveXControl_Abstract class for creating DDO aware Active X controls [Abstract]
cComDocumentObjectGenerates wrapper classes for imported Embedded Document objects
cCommandLineEncapsulates access to the command-line of the running program
cCommandLinkButtonDisplays a command line button, with an image on the left followed by a large-text label with optional notes text underneath it in smaller text
cComStdFontOLE conventions implement fonts as Automation objects that contain the properties of the font
cComStdPictureOLE conventions implement pictures as Automation objects that contain the properties of the picture
cComWebView2CtrlIn Progress...
cConnectionHandles connections for drivers that support Connection IDs (Managed Connections)
cDB2HandlerImplements functionality specific to DB2.
cDbCJGridUsed to create data-aware multi-row, multi-column display and entry grids. This is a DataDictionary-enabled grid.
cDbCJGridColumnModels a data aware grid column within a cDbCJGrid object
cDbCJGridColumnSuggestionGrid column used to create search fields. While typing, suggestions are shown below the grid cell in a list
cDbCJGridDataSourceProvides a cacheable, fully DD-enabled datasource for the cDbCJGrid class
cDbCJGridPromptListUsed to provide Prompt Lookup Lists for your DataDictionary tables
cDbLocalWebControlHostExtends the cLocalWebControlHost with the ability to host complete web applications inside a Windows application
cDbRichEditAllows the user to enter and edit rich-text format (RTF) text connected to a column in a database table
cDbRichEdit_Allows the user to enter and edit RTF (rich-text format) text connected to a column in a database table [Abstract]
cDbRichEditDS_Allows the user to enter and edit RTF (rich-text format) text connected to a column in a database table [Abstract]
cDbScrollingClientAreaData-aware container class that supports a scrolling area for nested controls
cDbScrollingContainerContainer for cDbScrollingClientArea
cDbSplitterContainerContainer for multiple child panels separated by a splitter
cDbSplitterContainerChildContainer object separated from another one via a splitter
cDbTagsFormData-aware Form control for selecting or creating multiple items (tags) from a source
cDbTextEditAllows the user to enter and edit text connected to a column in a database table
cDbTextEdit_Allows the user to enter and edit text connected to a column in a database table [Abstract]
cDbTextEditDS_Allows the user to enter and edit text connected to a column in a database table [Abstract]
cDesktopUsed to create the desktop object which contains all other objects within an application
cDFBtrDrvHandlerBtrieve Driver Handler class
cFlexTronPanelUse cFlexTronPanel for creating full FlexTron applications
cFTPTransferImplements FTP client-side operations
CheckBoxTo enable users to select items (or options) in applications
cHtmlHelpUsed to provide access to an HTML-based help system
cHttpTransferImplements HTTP client-side operations
cIdleHandlerUsed to create objects that generate idle events. Can be used in place of timers
cImageListA collection of images of the same size, each of which can be referred to by its index
cImageList32A collection of images of the same size, each of which can be referred to by its index
cIniFileProvides access to Windows INI (configuration) files
cJsonHttpTransferProvides an easy mechanism for sending and receiving JSON documents via HTTP
cJsonObjectRepresents a single JSON node within a structure of JSON nodes
ClientAreaProvides an area on the screen to contain all of an application's views
cLinkLabelEnables mixing of text and multiple hyperlink areas in a single control
cLocalWebAppHostClass for hosting complete web applications inside Windows applications
cLocalWebControlHostClass for hosting web controls inside Windows applications
cLocalWebDragDropHelperIn Progress...
cLocalWebResourceManagerThe FlexTron resource manager for file upload and download services
cLoginEncryptionManages login password encryption and decryption for Managed Connections
Cm_EntryAbstract class that provides Entry class capabilities to the prototype_entry class [Abstract] [Obsolete]
Cm_MenuAbstract class that provides Menu class capabilities to the prototype_entry class [Abstract] [Obsolete]
cMapiHandlerConsists of functions for sending mail, reading received mail and sending documents [Obsolete]
cMonthCalendarCalendar class
cMonthCalendarPromptCalendar Prompt class
cMSSQLHandlerImplements functionality specific to SQL Server.
cObjectThe fundamental class from which all classes are derived
cODBCHandlerImplements functionality specific to ODBC.
Code_Selection_ListAbstract Code Selection list superclass [Abstract] [Obsolete]
CodePickListAllows selection of one or more values from a list of static choices for insertion into database records by a code for each choice in programs handling the database through DataSets
CodePickList_Abstract class that allows selection of one or more values from a list of static choices for insertion into database records by a code for each choice in programs handling the database through DataSets [Abstract]
CodeValidationTableProvides a two-column table of validation data for validation lists used with DataDictionary objects.
ColorDialogProvides an interface to the Windows standard Color dialog
ComboEntryCombines the capabilities of the Entry and ComboForm classes in a single class [Abstract]
ComboFormCombines the functionality of the form class with that of a standard Windows drop-down list
ContainerCreates non-visual container objects
Container3dThis class creates visual container objects and by default, provides a gray background with a raised border having a three-dimensional (3-D) appearance.
cPasswordHasherIn Progress...
cProcessStatusPanelSupports a visual object to displayed by long-running processes that may be unattended to report errors that arise in the job
cProgressBarIndicates the progress within a range
cRegistryProvides access to the Windows system Registry
cRichEditAllows the user to enter and edit rich-text format (RTF) text
cScrollingClientAreaContainer class that supports a scrolling area for nested controls
cScrollingContainerContainer for cScrollingClientArea
cSelectFolderDialogAllows users to select a folder in Windows
cSelectionSourceSource of options/items provided in cWebTagsForm
cSeqFileHelperA helper class, assists in reading and writing sequential files in various formats - binary and character (OEM, ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16)
cSplitButtonDisplays a split button, with an image and text on the left and a drop down image on the right
cSplitterContainerContainer for multiple child panels separated by a splitter
cSplitterContainerChildContainer object separated from another one via a splitter
cSQLConnectionHandles all Embedded SQL operations for one connection.
cSQLExecutorProvides the API for executing SQL Statements from DataFlex
cSQLHandleManagerBase entry point for all Embedded SQL operations.
cSQLStatementHandles all Embedded SQL operation for one statement. The statement is the most used entity in any SQL environment.
cStatusBarA control, usually placed at the bottom of a window, that is divided into "panes" [Obsolete]
cStatusPaneRepresents a single pane of a cStatusBar [Obsolete]
cStatusPanelAbstract class that can be used to create status panels [Abstract]
cTableColumnFetchHelperAllows creation of a helper object that makes it easy to enable or disable Selected Column Fetching (SCF) for a large number of tables.
cTagsFormForm control for selecting or creating multiple items (tags) from a source
cTextEditAllows the user to enter and edit text
cTimercTimer objects can be used to trigger an event after a certain amount of time has passed.
cToolbarA control, usually placed at the top of a window, that contains buttons which act as shortcuts to frequently used functionality [Obsolete]
cToolbarButtonEach instance represents a single button of a toolbar [Obsolete]
cToolTipControllerHandles the management and display of a collection of ToolTip strings associated with the various UI controls in your application. e.g. ToolTips for Form, dbForm, Checkbox, or Button objects.
cUIObjectAn abstract class that provides the standard capabilities of a user interface object [Abstract]
CursorShapeEnables programs to change the appearance of the Windows cursor for any of various purposes
cVersionInfoContains information relating to the application's embedded Version Information resources
cWebAccordionCardMultiple cWebAccordionCard objects are nested inside a parent cWebAccordionContainer
cWebAccordionContainerWeb Container that is divided into sections (cards) showing a horizontal header
cWebActionBarThe cWebActionBar class is designed as a container for action buttons (cWebMenuItem)
cWebAppOutermost container for Web Framework Desktop and Mobile/Touch applications
cWebAppBasicOutermost container for Web Framework Basic applications
cWebAppLogReaderReads web application logs created by WebAppServer.
cWebAppSessionDataDictionaryDataDictionary class for the web application session table (WebAppSession) used by the "standard" web application session manager class (cWebSessionManagerStandard)
cWebAppUserDataDictionaryDataDictionary class for the web application user table (WebAppUser) used by the "standard" web application session manager class (cWebSessionManagerStandard)
cWebAspClassicObjectCreates ASP-Style Web Component objects
cWebBaseContainerAbstract Web Container Class [Abstract]
cWebBaseControlWeb control base class [Abstract]
cWebBaseDEOAbstract web data entry object (DEO) class [Abstract]
cWebBaseDEOServerAbstract Web Data Entry Object (DEO) Container Class [Abstract]
cWebBaseFileUploadAbstract Web Framework class for uploading files
cWebBaseFormAbstract web form class [Abstract]
cWebBaseSelectionFormBase class for cWebTagsForm
cWebBaseUIObjectBase class for Web Objects that model some of the client-side user interface. [Abstract]
cWebBreadcrumbThe Web Framework breadcrumb control
cWebButtonThe Web Framework button control
cWebCardThe Web Framework card control. Used inside a card container to provide a stack of overlaid panels
cWebCardContainerThe Web Framework card container. Used with embedded card pages to provide a stack of overlaid panels
cWebCheckboxThe Web Framework checkbox control
cWebClientProtectedPropHandlerIn Progress...
cWebColorFormA color selection control that renders like a form, and pops up the cWebColorPicker control with the content being color code
cWebColorPickerRenders an inline color picker control that allows the user to select a color using a HSL system
cWebColumnThe Web Framework grid column control
cWebColumnButtonWeb Framework class that adds buttons to a list or grid cell
cWebColumnCheckboxThe Web Framework grid checkbox column control
cWebColumnComboThe Web Framework grid combo column control
cWebColumnDateWeb Framework class that adds a prompt button with a date picker to a list or grid cell
cWebColumnDeleteButtonIn Progress...
cWebColumnHighlightWeb Framework grid column control for showing search results
cWebColumnImageWeb Framework class that shows images inside a list or grid column
cWebColumnLinkWeb Framework class that generates a link, making the value of the column clickable
cWebColumnSelectionIndicatorWeb Framework class to be used with cWebMultiSelectList class
cWebColumnSuggestionWeb framework class used to create search columns. While typing, suggestions are shown below the entered value in a list.
cWebColumnTagsWeb framework class used to display and edit tags
cWebComboThe Web Framework combo form control
cWebCommandBarThe Web Framework menu and toolbar container
cWebComponentA basic DDO container for helper web component objects
cWebContextMenuMenus that appear when right-clicking on elements
cWebDateFormThe Web Framework single line edit control with integrated date selection (popup calendar)
cWebDatePickerThe Web Framework single calendar control
cWebDragDropFileHelperAdds file drag and drop fuctionality to web controls
cWebDragDropHelperAdds drag and drop fuctionality to web controls
cWebDrawingAllows drawing on a canvas in web applications
cWebDynamicObjectContainerContainer Class for dynamic web objects
cWebEditThe Web Framework multi-line edit control
cWebErrorHandlerThe Web Framework error handler
cWebFileUploadButtonWeb Framework button class that pops up a file selection dialog when clicked and allows for uploading selected files
cWebFileUploadFormWeb Framework form class with a prompt button that pops up a file selection dialog when clicked and allows for uploading selected files
cWebFloatingPanelWeb floating panel is a versatile control that can be used to position controls in virtually any position
cWebFormThe Web Framework form control for single line data entry
cWebGeoLocationProvides an API for querying the user's current GEO location
cWebGridThe Web Framework multi-row, multi-column grid control
cWebGroupThe Web Framework group control
cWebHorizontalLineThe Web Framework horizontal line control
cWebHtmlBoxThe Web Framework HTML server control
cWebHtmlListCombines the data binding and finding logic of the cWebList with the flexibility and freedom of the cWebHtmlBox
cWebHttpHandlerHandles HTTP requests for REST and other HTTP services
cWebHttpMultipartFormDataHandlerCan be used to handle HTTP requests in the multipart/form-data format
cWebIFrameThe Web Framework HTML IFrame control.
cWebImageThe Web Framework image control
cWebLabelThe Web Framework label control
cWebListThe Web Framework multi-row, multi-column list control
cWebListExpandPanelA container child of a web list that can contain any other control and it will expand below a specific row
cWebListSwipeButtonWeb class for adding 'swipe' buttons to lists
cWebMenuBarThe Web Framework menu bar container
cWebMenuButtonThe Web Framework's Button-style floating menu container
cWebMenuClearThe Web Framework menu item class for clearing data in a view or dialog
cWebMenuClearAllThe Web Framework menu item class for clearing all data in a view or dialog
cWebMenuColumnListWeb Framework column list menu class
cWebMenuColumnRestorerWeb Framework column restorer menu class
cWebMenuDeleteThe Web Framework menu item class for deleting a record in a view or dialog
cWebMenuFindThe Web Framework menu item class for finding a record in a view or dialog
cWebMenuFindFirstThe Web Framework menu item class for finding the first record in a view or dialog
cWebMenuFindLastThe Web Framework menu item class for finding the last record in a view or dialog
cWebMenuFindNextThe Web Framework menu item class for finding the next record in a view or dialog
cWebMenuFindPreviousThe Web Framework menu item class for finding the previous record in a view or dialog
cWebMenuGroupThe Web Framework dynamic menu group provider
cWebMenuGroupingSelectorGrouping selector menu class for the cWebList class
cWebMenuItemThe Web Framework menu item/toolbar item
cWebMenuItemCheckboxThe Web Framework checkbox menu item/toolbar item, can be used to create a multi-option menu
cWebMenuItemLoadViewSpecialized cWebMenuItem class that supports loading of views
cWebMenuListWeb Class that renders a list style menu supporting multiple levels
cWebMenuPromptThe Web Framework menu item class for invoking a prompt object
cWebMenuSaveThe Web Framework menu item class for saving a record in a view or dialog
cWebModalDialogThe Web Framework modal dialog class
cWebMultiSelectListThe Web Framework multi-row, multi-column list control with multiple selectable rows
cWebObjectThe Web Framework Web Object class
cWebPanelThe Web Framework panel control
cWebParentComboThe Web Framework parent table combo class
cWebProgressBarThe Web Framework progress bar control
cWebPromptListSpecialized cWebList class for creating a prompt list inside a modal dialog
cWebRadioThe Web Framework radio control
cWebResourceManagerThe Web Framework resource manager for file upload and download services
cWebServiceCreates Web Service Objects - the basic component of all web-service based Web Applications
cWebSessionManagerProvides basic Web Framework session management interface for a web application
cWebSessionManagerStandardDataFlex Web Framework session manager class with standard session management services
cWebSliderThe Web Framework slider control
cWebSpacerThe Web Framework empty space control
cWebSuggestionFormWeb framework form used to create search fields. While typing, suggestions are shown below the form in a list
cWebTabContainerThe Web Framework tab container. Used with embedded tab pages to create a stack of tabbed overlaid panels.
cWebTabPageThe Web Framework tab page control. Used inside a tab container to create a stack of tabbed overlaid panels.
cWebTagsFormWeb Framework form control for selecting or creating multiple items (tags) from a source
cWebTimerThe Web Framework timer control. Used to trigger timed events to be sent from the client back to the server.
cWebToolBarThe Web Framework toolbar container
cWebTreeViewThe Web Framework treeview control
cWebViewThe Web Framework data entry view class
cWebView2BrowserThe Microsoft Edge WebView2 control allows you to embed web technologies in your windows application
cWebViewStackMobile/Touch Web Framework drilldown navigation view stack
cWebWidgetIn Progress...
cWebWidgetConfigurationWizardIn Progress...
cWebWidgetConfigurationWizardStandardIn Progress...
cWebWidgetContainerIn Progress...
cWebWidgetPaletteIn Progress...
cWebWindowThe Web Framework basic window class
cWinControlProvides a base class to use when subclassing a Windows control [Abstract]
cWindowsErrorHandlerUse the cWindowsErrorHandler to handle errors in Windows applications
cWinReport2Provides most of the capabilities of the BasicReport class and provides the ability to use WinPrint2 to provide more-graphical reports
cWorkspaceEncapsulates access to a Workspace file to set the program's filelist and DFPath
cXMLDOMAttributeXML class for handling an attribute node
cXMLDOMCDATASectionXML class for handling CDATA Section nodes
cXMLDOMCommentXML class for handling Comment nodes
cXMLDOMDocumentProvides the Interface to the root node of an XML document
cXMLDOMDocumentFragmentXML class for handling Document Fragments
cXMLDOMDocumentTypeContains information associated with the document type declaration
cXMLDOMElementXML class for handling an element node
cXMLDOMEntityXML class for handling an Entity node
cXMLDOMEntityReferenceXML class for handling Entity Reference nodes
cXMLDOMNamedNodeMapXML class for handling Named Node map (collections of attributes)
cXMLDOMNodeCreates a generic XML DOM Node object
cXMLDOMNodeListSupports iteration through the node collection
cXMLDOMNotationXML class for handling a Notation node
cXMLDOMParseErrorProvides support reporting parsing errors in an XML document
cXMLDOMProcessingInstructionXML class for handling Processing Instruction (PI) nodes
cXMLDOMTextNodeXML class for handling a text node
cXmlHttpTransferProvides an easy mechanism for sending and receiving XML documents via Http.


DataDictionaryThis class provides the main method for accessing databases in DataFlex programs.
DataListImplements the behavior common to virtual scrolling lists and provides an interface to a DSO to support virtual list viewing [Abstract]
DataList_Abstract class that implements the behavior common to virtual scrolling lists [Abstract]
DataSetAbstract class providing methods for accessing databases in a program [Abstract]
dbAppClient_Abstract class that creates view objects [Abstract]
dbAppView_Abstract class that creates view objects [Abstract]
dbBasicComboFormCombines the capabilities of the ComboEntry class and the dbForm class [Abstract]
dbBasicComboForm_Abstract class that combines the capabilities of the ComboEntry class and the dbForm class [Abstract]
dbBitmapProvides for automatic display of bitmap graphics from database table columns
dbCheckboxTo combine the functionality of dbForm and CheckBox allowing a data-entry element to be represented in a checkbox format
dbCheckBoxDSAbstract class that combines the functionality of dbForm and CheckBox allowing a data-entry element to be represented in a checkbox format [Abstract]
dbCodeComboFormProvides combo objects that automatically use a central codes database file such as CODEMAST
dbComboFormProvides general-purpose comboform DEOs
dbComboFormDD_Abstract class providing general-purpose comboform DEOs [Abstract]
dbComboFormDSAbstract class providing combo objects that automatically use a central codes database table [Abstract]
dbContainerGroups together data entry objects (DEOs) within an invisible container
dbContainer3dCreates visual container objects and by default, provides a gray background with a raised border having a three-dimensional appearance
dbContainer3d_Abstract class creating visual container objects and by default, providing a gray background with a raised border having a 3D appearance [Abstract]
dbDataComboFormExtends the functionality of the dbBasicComboForm to support the separation of description and database values [Abstract]
dbEditSupports data entry for memo fields or sequential ASCII files from DEOs [Obsolete]
dbEdit_Abstract class that supports data entry for memo fields or sequential ASCII files from DEOs [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbEditDSAbstract class that supports data entry for memo fields or sequential ASCII files from DEOs [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbFloatingPanelAbstract superclass of dbViewFloatingPanel [Abstract]
dbFloatingPanel_Abstract superclass of dbFloatingPanel [Abstract]
dbFloatingPopupMenuCreates standard data-aware (DEO) floating popup menus [Obsolete]
dbFormSupports data entry for one table column
dbForm_Abstract class that supports data entry for one table column of one logical record at a time [Abstract]
dbFormDSAbstract class that supports data entry for one table column of one logical record at a time [Abstract]
dbFormExternalControlAbstract class that enables applications to provide users with a data aware visual control to 'slide' through a range of values [Abstract]
dbGridEnables users to view and edit a scrolling, multi-column list of field values from a database file [Obsolete]
dbGrid_Abstract class that enables users to view and edit a scrolling, multi-column list of field values from a database file [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbGridDDAbstract class that enables users to view and edit a scrolling, multi-column list of field values from a database file [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbGridDSAbstract class that enables users to view and edit a scrolling, multi-column list of field values from a database file [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbGroupCreates visual group container objects and by default, provides a gray background with a rectangular 3D line border with a text label embedded in the top left edge
dbGroup_Abstract class that creates visual group container objects and by default, provides a gray background with a rectangular 3D line border with a text label embedded in the top left edge [Abstract]
dbListEnables users to select one or more values from a list of choices [Obsolete]
dbList_Abstract class enabling users to select one or more values from a list of choices [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbListDSAbstract class enabling users to select one or more values from a list of choices [Abstract] [Obsolete]
dbModalPanelProvides a modal dialog for selection lists and other DEOs
dbParentComboAllows the user to select a parent record using a combo control
dbRadioContainerProvides all of the functionality of a dbRadioGroup within an invisible container
dbRadioGroupGroups multiple radio objects in a visible object, providing selection of no more than one at a time
dbRadioGroupDSAbstract class that groups multiple radio objects in a visible object, providing selection of no more than one at a time [Abstract]
dbSpinFormProvides an entry form that users can edit that contains an integer or date that can be driven through a range with buttons
dbSpinFormDSAbstract class that provides an entry form that users can edit that contains an integer or date that can be driven through a range with buttons [Abstract]
dbSuggestionFormForm used to create search fields. While typing, suggestions are shown below the form in a list
dbTabDialogContains and provides coordinated access to dbTabPage objects
dbTabDialog_Abstract class that contains and provides coordinated access to dbTabPage objects [Abstract]
dbTabDialogViewContains and provides coordinated access to dbTabView objects
dbTabPageUsed when all of the pages in a view share the same DDO structure
dbTabViewUsed when each tab-page will contain a stand-alone view with its own DDO structure
dbTabView_Abstract class used when each tab-page will contain a stand-alone view with its own DDO structure [Abstract]
dbTrackBarEnables applications to provide users with a data aware visual control to 'slide' through a range of values
dbViewCreates view objects
dbViewFloatingPanelAbstract superclass of dbModalPanel and dbViewToolPanel [Abstract]
dbViewToolPanelAbstract class that provides a modal container for selection lists (dblist) and other DEOs [Abstract]
DEOPopupMenuCreates pulldown objects that disables messages not sent to DEOs [Obsolete]
DescriptionValidationTableProvides a two-column table of validation data for validation lists used with DataDictionary objects.
DfBaseActionBarAbstract class that provides the capabilities of a standard GUI menu bar [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBaseButtonAn abstract class used for defining all button classes [Abstract]
DfBaseCheckboxAbstract class that enables users to select items (or options) in applications [Abstract]
DfBaseComboBoxAbstract class that combines the functionality of the form class with that of a standard Windows drop-down list [Abstract]
DfBaseComboBoxEntryAbstract class thta combines the capabilities of the Entry and ComboForm classes in a single class [Abstract]
DfBaseContainerAn abstract class for defining GUI containers [Abstract]
DfBaseControlAn abstract class for defining GUI controls [Abstract]
DfBaseDialogA container class that manages the controls that are placed in its scope [Abstract]
DfBaseEditAbstract class that allows users to enter multiple lines of text [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBaseEditPullDownAbstract class that creates standard floating popup menus [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBaseEntryAllows the retrieval, display and storage of information between a database field and a form [Abstract]
DfBaseEntryListAbstract class suitable for "table" style data entry [Abstract]
DfBaseFormDfBaseForm is a superclass for classes supporting form data entry [Abstract]
DfBaseFormListAbstract class which should be used for creating multi-row, multi-column entry lists [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBaseGroupAbstract class creating visual group container objects with a gray background with a rectangular 3D line border with a text label embedded in the top left edge [Abstract]
DfBaseHorzScrollBarAbstract horizontal scroll bar superclass [Obsolete]
DfBaseImageListIn Progress... [Obsolete]
DfBaselineControlAbstract class that creates divider lines on a container most-often to create a 3D horizontal dividing line [Abstract]
DfBaseListAn intermediate class that is used as the basis for all "item- and form-based" classes [Abstract]
DfBaseListboxAbstract low level List Class [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBasemdiclientAbstract class providing low-level support for an MDI-style client area [Abstract]
DfBaseMenuNo Longer used by anything [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBaseObjectProvides a level of abstraction that separates the basic object support from the GUI support [Abstract]
DfBasePanelProvides a top-level window for applications that is independent of all other windows [Abstract]
DfBasePullDownAbstract class that creates standard floating popup menus [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBasePushButtonAbstract class creating visual representations of keys or buttons that, when pressed by users, produce a specific action with an immediate response [Abstract]
DfBaseRadioButtonAbstract class that provides support for stand-alone radio buttons [Abstract]
DfBaseRichEditSuperclass of cRichEdit
DfBaseScrollBarCreates scrollbars for GUI controls [Obsolete]
DfBasetabDialogAbstract class used for TabDialogs [Abstract]
DfBaseTextboxAbstract class that enables placing static text strings on the display [Abstract]
DfBaseTextEditSuperclass of cTextEdit
DfBasetoolbarAbstract tool bar superclass [Abstract] [Obsolete]
DfBasetoolPanelAbstract class that creates tool panels - panels that are not listed on the Windows task list [Abstract]
DfBaseUIWindowAdds a layer of support for user interaction to DfBaseWindow [Abstract]
DfBaseWindowSpecifies a layer of presentation support for GUI objects [Abstract]
DfComActiveXControlAbstract class which provides support forwrapping of Active X controls [Abstract]
DfComAutomationObjectAbstract class for imported OLE Automation Objects [Abstract]
DFComDocumentObjectAbstract class which provides support for embedded document objects [Abstract]
DfComUIObjectAbstract class which provides standard UI interfaces for Com Objects [Abstract]
DfInPlaceComObjectAbstract class which provides standard COM interfaces for Com Objects [Abstract]
DfTimerEnabled DFTimer objects can be used to trigger an event after a certain amount of time has passed. [Obsolete]
DialogCreates non-MDI-child dialog objects


EditAllows users to enter multiple lines of text [Obsolete]
EntryThe basis of more-sophisticated data-entry classes,
EntryListAn abstract class suitable for "table" style data entry [Abstract] [Obsolete]
ErrorSystemSupports DataFlex's interactive interface for all errors generated in a program [Obsolete]


FileValidationTableProvides a two-column table of validation data for validation lists used with DataDictionary objects.
FloatingPanelSuperclass of several panel classes [Abstract]
FloatingPopupMenuCreates standard floating popup menus (context menus) [Obsolete]
FontDialogPermits users to select fonts
FormTo display and accept keyboard input
FormExternalControlAbstract class enabling applications to provide users with a visual control to 'slide' through a range of values [Abstract]
FormFloatingPopupMenuCreates standard floating popup menus for Windows forms (context menus)


GridA basic class which should be used for creating multi-row, multi-column entry lists [Obsolete]
GroupTo create visual group container objects with (by default) a gray background with a rectangular 3D line border with a text label embedded in the top left edge


HelpSystemUsed to create help object for a Windows Help Files [Obsolete]


InetTransferAbstract class for handling HTTP and FTP transfers [Abstract]


LineControlCreates divider lines on a container most-often to create a 3 D horizontal dividing line
ListManipulates dynamic lists of information [Obsolete]


MdiClientAreaProvides low-level support for an MDI-style client area
MdiDialogCreates MDI child dialog objects for use inside a MDI client-area object [Abstract]
MenuBarProvides the capabilities of a standard GUI menu bar [Obsolete]
MixinProvides a method for mixing additional skills into a class
ModalPanelCreates modal popup panels


OpenDialogAllows users to select a file in Windows


PanelProvides a top-level window for applications that is independent of all other windows
PickListAbstract class that allows selection of one or more values from a list of static choices for insertion into database records by a code for each choice in programs handling the database through DataSets [Abstract]
PickList_Abstract class that allows selection of one or more values from a list of static choices for insertion into database records by a code for each choice in programs handling the database through DataSets [Abstract]
PopupMenuDisplayed whenever a choice is made from a menu bar and from certain choices made from an already-displayed popup menu [Obsolete]
PrintDialogA wrapper for the Windows Print dialog box used by the CrystalReport class [Obsolete]
Prototype_EntryHelper Class used by DEO Grid classes (dbGrids and dbLists) to define row information [Obsolete]


RadioProvides visual selection icons that are used in groups exclusively within radio containers
RadioButtonAn intermediate that provides support for stand-alone radio buttons
RadioContainerGroups multiple Radio objects in a non-visible object, providing selection of no more than one at a time
RadioGroupGroups multiple Radio objects in a visible group object, providing selection of no more than one at a time, and navigation among the objects
ReportAbstract class that supports creation of hierarchies of objects that can output data from the database or change large numbers of records in it [Abstract]
Report_DSAbstract class that supports creation of hierarchies of objects that can output data from the database or change large numbers of records in it [Abstract]
ReportPanelProvides a modal popup user interface for running reports
ReportViewProvides a non-modal user interface view for running reports


SaveAsDialogProvides access to the Windows file-save dialog
SetAssembles and maintains a set of unique values
ShapeControlDemonstrates DataFlex communicating with the Windows API
SpinFormAdds a spin button to a Form
SplashScreenPanelProvides a way to display a splash screen in your application
StatusAsciiLogUsed for logging status and error reports from unattended (batch) processes to an ascii file
StatusBarCreates status bar objects [Obsolete]
StatusdbLogUsed for logging status and error reports from unattended (batch) processes to a database file
StatusPanelSupports a visual object to displayed by long-running processes that may be unattended to report errors that arise in the job [Obsolete]
SystemMenuClass used to create system menus


TabDialogCreated by creating a TabDialog object and then creating TabPage objects inside it
TabDialog_Abstract class created by creating a TabDialog object and then creating TabPage objects inside it [Abstract]
TabPageCreates a page within a tab-dialog container
TextBoxEnables placing static text strings
ToolBarCreates tool bar objects [Obsolete]
ToolPanelCreates tool panels - panels that are not listed on the Windows task list
TrackBarEnables applications to provide users with a visual control to 'slide' through a range of values
TreeViewProvides a control that displays a hierarchical list of items, such as the headings in a document, the entries in an index, or the files and folders on a disk


ValidationListProvides a default interface object for validation tables used as prompt objects
ValidationTableProvides a one-column table of validation data for validation lists used with DataDictionary objects.
ViewProvides a "basic" (non DEO) MDI view
ViewPopupMenuCreates popup menu objects that will redirect item messages to the MDI container area object [Obsolete]


WideListAn abstract class defining the common procedures and properties of data-entry classes and dbLists [Abstract] [Obsolete]
WideList_Abstract class defining the common procedures and properties of data-entry classes and dbLists [Abstract] [Obsolete]
WinReportProvides most of the capabilities of the BasicReport class and provides the ability to use WinPrint to provide more-graphical reports [Obsolete]