Property Boolean Enabled_State
Read Access: | Get Enabled_State to BooleanVariable |
Write Access: | Set Enabled_State to BooleanVariable/Value |
When the Enabled_State property is set to False, users cannot perform data entry through this object, and the object is displayed as shadowed. All descendant objects are also shadowed and are similarly disabled. When it is set True, the object is displayed normally and users can perform data entry, unless an ancestor of this object has its Enabled_State set to False, in which case this object behaves in all ways as though shadowed, including returning False for this property.
In many cases, the Enabled_State of a DEO is controlled by the controls' Server DataDictionary Object (DDO) via the DDO's DD_DisplayOnly Field_Option or Foreign_Field_Options.
Entry_State determines if data can be entered into the control and whether the cursor can still be placed inside the control and allow data to be copied.
When the Enabled_State property is set to False, depending on the value of Label_Shadow_Display_Mode, the object is displayed with the shadowed attribute. When it is set to True, the object is displayed normally unless an ancestor of this object has its Enabled_State set to False and Label_Shadow_Display_Mode was not set to TBShadow_On_None. If the object is part of a group that is disabled, the property returns False in all cases.
cDbTextEdit and cDbRichEdit have a helper property called pbNoEnterReadOnly, which determines whether Enabled_State set to False or a DD NoEnter setting in a DataDictionary should result in the control being disabled (False) or set to read-only (True).
Default is True.