IsCommittedParentChangeAllowed - DataDictionary

Called to determine if the server's parent is allowed to be switched

Type: Function

Return Data Type: Boolean

Parameters: Integer iServer

iServerMain File of Parent Server DDO to check

Return Value

Returns True if a committed parent switch is allowed.

Function IsCommittedParentChangeAllowed Integer iServer Returns Boolean

Call: Get IsCommittedParentChangeAllowed iServer to BooleanVariable


Called to determine if the server's parent is allowed to be switched. It assumes you first check IsCommitted to see if the record is actually committed; prior to being committed, you can always switch parent records.


This is a good place to augment to check if ParentNoSwitchIfCommitted but you wish to allow conditional switching of parent records.

Function IsCommittedParentChangeAllowed Integer iServer Returns Boolean
    Boolean bChangeAllowed bTransFound
    Forward Get IsCommittedParentChangeAllowed iServer To bChangeAllowed

    If (not(bChangeAllowed) AND iServer = Customer.File_Number) Begin
        // ... do something
    Function_Return bChangeAllowed

See Also

AllowParentFind | ParentNoSwitchIfCommitted