SQLEscapedStr - DataDictionary

Converts string to a string that is better suited and safer for SQL WHERE clauses

Type: Function

Return Data Type: String

Parameters: String sSQL

sSQLThe original, unescaped string

Return Value

An escaped version of the string

Function SQLEscapedStr String sSQL Returns String

Call: Get SQLEscapedStr sSQL to StringVariable


SQLEscapedStr changes a string to an "escaped" string that is better suited for being used in SQL statements.

It replaces a single quote with two single quotes, which helps protect against SQL injection. This can be handy when creating SQL statements that are defined in psSQLFilter and is particularly useful if you, as the programmer, do not have full control over the content of this filter string. This might happen if the filter is created by the end user or stored in a database.

Procedure OnChange
    Handle hoDDO
    String sValue
    Get Server to hoDDO
    Get Value to sValue
    Get SQLEscapedStr of hoDDO sValue to sValue
    Set psSQLFilter of hoDDO to sValue

Note that this can only be called once for a string.

You should not send this when setting SQLStrLike, because SQLStrLike calls this function itself.