Data_Set_Error - DataDictionary

Declares DataDictionary object (DDO) errors

Type: Procedure

Parameters: Integer iField Integer iErr String sMess String sParam1 String sParam2

iFieldNumber of the field in the table
iErrEror number to display
sMessError text to display
sParam1Optional: if passed, replaces @PARAM1
sParam2Optional: if passed, replaces @PARAM2

Procedure Data_Set_Error Integer iField Integer iErr String sMess String sParam1 String sParam2

Call: Send Data_Set_Error iField iErr sMess sParam1 sParam2


The Data_set_error procedure is used to declare DataDictionary object (DDO) errors.

Normally three parameters are passed to this procedure:
the field number, the error number and the error text defined for iField in the Field_Error property. The field number is passed but not used. It is available so that this information will be available to the procedure for use in any augmentation of it.

When iField is passed as -1, the originating field is unknown.
If iErr is 0, the DSO will use a default error number.