File_Field_AutoFind - DataDictionary

Performs an AutoFind on a foreign table column

Type: Procedure

Parameters: integer iFile integer iField integer iFindMode

iFileNumber of the table in the current filelist
iFieldNumber of column iField in the table
iFindModeMay be any of the standard find modes, i.e., lt, le, eq, ge, or gt, or it may be either Next_Record, First_Record, or Last_Record.

Procedure File_Field_AutoFind integer iFile integer iField integer iFindMode

Call: Send File_Field_AutoFind iFile iField iFindMode


File_Field_AutoFind performs an AutoFind on a foreign table column.


Send File_Field_AutoFind of hDD iFile iField iFindMode
Send File_Field_AutoFind of hDD File_Field Customer.Id iFindMode