File_Field_Pointer_Entry - DataDictionary

Called to move data from an entry source to the DataDictionary (DD) extended buffer

Type: Procedure Set

Data Type: Address

Parameters: integer iFile integer iField integer iLen integer bShowErr Address pData

iFileNumber of the table in the current filelist
iFieldNumber of the field in the table
iLenLength of pData
bShowErrDetermines whether to display errors
pDataAddress of data to set

Procedure Set File_Field_Pointer_Entry integer iFile integer iField integer iLen integer bShowErr Address pData


The File_Field_Pointer_Entry procedure is called to move data from an entry source to the DataDictionary (DD) extended buffer. This is identical to the File_Field_Entry message except that a pointer to the data is passed instead of the data itself.

You should rarely need to use this method. The File_Field_Entry method will also move data to an extended field as required (if the field type needs an extended field and extended fields are defined in the DD). For example, if you are need to pass a string value to a comment field you could simply use File_Field_Entry as follows:

Set File_Field_Entry of hDD iCustFile iCustCommentField True to sComment

You will only use File_Field_Pointer_Entry when the data you need to pass data from memory.

Set File_Field_Pointer_Entry of hDD iCustFile iCustCommentField iLengthOfData True to pCommentPointer

See Also
