Property Boolean pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters
Read Access: | Get pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters to BooleanVariable |
Write Access: | Set pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters to BooleanVariable/Value |
Set pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters to True if you wish your DataDictionary (DD) filter (psSQLFilter) to be appended (anded) to the value in the global table filter.
When pbUseDDSQLFilters is True and pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters is False, only the value in psSQLFilter is applied to the find.
When pbUseDDSQLFilters is True and pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters is True, the DD filter is added to the global filter, assuming that there is a global filter and that this filter is active (see DF_File_SQL_Filter, DF_File_SQL_Filter_EQ and DF_File_SQL_Filter_Active).
The default value is False.