Property String psSQLFilter
Read Access: | Get psSQLFilter to StringVariable |
Write Access: | Set psSQLFilter to StringVariable/Value |
psSQLFilter defines the DataDictionary (DD) SQL filter string to be applied and works in much the same way the DF_File_SQL_Filter attribute works. This is only applied if pbUseDDSQLFilters is True.
If pbUseDDSQLFilters is True, pbApplyGlobalSQLFilters is False, and psSQLFilter is empty, then explicitly no SQL filter is applied. If a table level filter exists and is active, it will be not used in the find.
You can use some of the SQL string helper functions such as SQLStrFileFieldName, SQLStrAppend and SQLStrLike to help assemble your SQL filter string.
We recommend always surrounding filters containing string constants by parentheses to ensure they are executed correctly if combined with global SQL filters.
psSQLFilter is only applied to the (main) table find.
The default value is "".
To apply or change an SQL filter dynamically, set psSQLFilter and call ApplySQLFilter.
Procedure DoSearch String sSearch Set psSQLFilter of oCustomer_DD to ("Customer.Name LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%'") Set pbUseDDSQLFilters of oCustomer_DD to True Send ApplySQLFilter of oCustomer_DD End_Procedure
If dynamically filtering a cWebGrid or cWebList using SQL filters, also call GridRefresh after applying the filters.
Procedure DoSearch String sSearch Set psSQLFilter of oCustomer_DD to ("Customer.Name LIKE '%" + sSearch + "%'") Set pbUseDDSQLFilters of oCustomer_DD to True Send GridRefresh of oList End_Procedure