Auto_Fill_State - DataSet

Determines what a DDO should do with a relates-to constrained child when that parent changes

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Boolean

Parameters: None

 Property Boolean Auto_Fill_State

Read Access: Get Auto_Fill_State to BooleanVariable
Write Access: Set Auto_Fill_State to BooleanVariable/Value


The only purpose of Auto_Fill_State is for a DataDictionary object (DDO) to determine what it should do with a relates-to constrained child when that parent changes (i.e., the child no longer matches the parent constraint). When False, it clears the child. When True, it finds the first or last constrained child, depending on pbAutoFillFromFirst. When there is no relates-to constraint, this property does nothing.

Despite each DEO having this property as well, this is not a property to be used at DEO level. This property is used to fill in header/detail grids. When a DEO is attached to a DDO, the DDO looks to see if this DEO's Auto_Fill_State is True. If it is, it sets the DDO's Auto_Fill_State to True. Grids/Lists in Windows and web set this true to make header/detail grids fill when changing the header. By finding the first/last record the detail list gets filled (with non-relates-to constrained lists/grids this property does nothing). Other than that it should not be messed with at the DEO level.