DDO_Server - DataSet

The Object_ID of this object's server DataDictionary object (DDO)

Type: Property

Access: Write-Only

Data Type: Handle

Parameters: None

 Property Handle DDO_Server

Write Access: Set DDO_Server to HandleVariable/Value


The DDO_Server property holds the Object_ID of this object's server DataDictionary object (DDO). This object may have several such servers, and this property is in fact an array, which may hold as many server Object_IDs as it is set to hold. Only one Object_ID may be given with each set statement.

You can use Data_Set_Server_Count and Data_Set_Server to get all parent servers for a DDO. You can use Data_Set_Client_Count and Data_Set_Client to get all child servers for a DDO.

See Which_Data_Set to get the server that owns a particular table.