Border_Style - DfBaseDialog

Specifies the border style of this object

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Integer

Parameters: None

 Property Integer Border_Style

Read Access: Get Border_Style to IntegerVariable
Write Access: Set Border_Style to IntegerVariable/Value


The Border_Style property specifies the border style of this object. While all border styles are valid, not all styles are appropriate.

The useful styles are:

Border_NoneDisplays no border
Border_DialogDisplays a raised 3D border
Border_NormalDisplays a dark line around the border
Border_ThickDisplays thick border, allows panel to be resized
Border_ClientEdgeDisplays a border with a sunken edge
Border_StaticEdgeDisplays a lowered 3D border
Border_WindowEdgeDisplays a border with a raised edge

Set Border_Style to Border_Thick

A 3D line may be drawn around a container by using the group class. Non-visual groupings are usually created using the container class.

Default is Border_Dialog.

Border_Style is not supported in the cSplitterContainer class.