Data_File - DfBaseEntry

Identifies the database table that contains the column from which data is to be stored, retrieved, and cleared

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Integer

Parameters: Integer iItem

iItem (Optional)The item number

 Property Integer Data_File

Read Access: Get Data_File [iItem] to IntegerVariable
Write Access: Set Data_File [iItem] to IntegerVariable/Value


Each entry_item may have a field in a database file associated with it. The Data_file property identifies the database file that contains the field from which data is to be stored, retrieved, and cleared. Data_files are most often set by the composition of the entry_item statement itself.


They may also be set using the data_file message. This may be done if an entry item needs to be set to another file than the initialized one.

set data_file 0 to customer.File_Number
get data_file 0 to filenumber

If the entry_item is not associated with a data field (it is associated with an expression or variable) the value of this property is 0.