CreateComObject - DfComAutomationObject

Connects to an instance of the Automation object

Type: Procedure

Parameters: None

Procedure CreateComObject 

Call: Send CreateComObject


CreateComObject is sent to connect to an instance of the Automation object.

The example below demonstrates the use of CreateComObject in the Simple Automation Controller sample to connect to the Simple Automation Server.

Boolean bIsComObjectCreated

// Test to see If we are already connected. If we are connected,
// then the IsComObjectCreated Returns True.
Get IsComObjectCreated of oAutomationTest To bIsComObjectCreated

If (Not(bIsComObjectCreated)) Begin
    // Connect the DataFlex Automation Wrapper to the Automation Object.
    Send CreateComObject of oAutomationTest

See Also

cComAutomationObject | AttachActiveObject | ReleaseComObject | OnCreate