ReleaseComObject - DfComAutomationObject

Releases a reference to the Automation object without having to destroy the DataFlex wrapper object

Type: Procedure

Parameters: None

Procedure ReleaseComObject 

Call: Send ReleaseComObject


ReleaseComObject is sent to release a reference to the Automation object without having to destroy the DataFlex wrapper object.

Destroying a DataFlex COM wrapper object automatically releases its reference to a COM object.

The example below demonstrates the use of ReleaseComObject in the Simple Automation Controller sample to release the Simple Automation Server.

Procedure Test
    Boolean bIsComObjectCreated

    // Test to see If we are already connected. If we are connected,
    // then the IsComObjectCreated Returns True.
    Get IsComObjectCreated of oAutomationTest To bIsComObjectCreated

    If (bIsComObjectCreated) Begin
        // release the Automation Object from the DataFlex Automation Wrapper.
        Send ReleaseComObject of oAutomationTest
End_Procedure  // Test

If you send ReleaseComObject to a COM object that has not been created, you will not get an error or warning. Use IsComObjectCreated to check prior to releasing the object.

See Also

cComAutomationObject | CreateComObject