Name | Description |
Auto_Locate_State | Locates itself relative to any item that invokes it with a popup message when set true |
Bitmap | Displays a bitmap in an object |
Column_Offset | Determines the offset to the invoking item by number of columns |
Enabled_State | Determines if an object is enabled or disabled |
Explicit_Shadow_State | Indicates if an object is contextually shadowed by an ancestor |
Help_Id | Used to specify an object's context ID |
Help_Keyword | Used to specify an object's context keyword |
Item_Shadow_State | Determines if an object's item is enabled or disabled |
Label | This is the text that appears within this control |
Locate_Mode | Provides several flexible methods for auto positioning container panels in your program |
Object_Shadow_State | Replaced by enabled_state, whose boolean logic is the inverse of this property's |
psHtmlHelpTopic | Html help page name (e.g. reporting.htm) and optional bookmark. Can be used to locate the proper contextual help page. |
Row_Offset | Determines the offset to the invoking item by number of rows |
Status_Help | Determines the status text that will be displayed when this object takes the focus |
Use_Parent_Status_Help | Determines if parent's status help is used when object status help is empty |
Inherited Properties from DfBaseContainer | |
GetContainerClientSize | |
pbAcceptDropFiles | Determines if the container object supports a file drop event |
Inherited Properties from DfBaseUIWindow | |
Mouse_Capture | Causes all DataFlex mouse events to be sent to the object that captures the mouse |
Windows_Override_State | Allows DataFlex to stop the default windows behavior for mouse and keyboard messages |
Inherited Properties from DfBaseWindow | |
Absolute_GuiOrigin | Returns the screen coordinates of the top left corner of a DataFlex object |
Bitmap_Height | Returns the height of the image contained in the file named by bitmap |
Bitmap_Style | Specifies the position, size, or shape in which the bitmap image for this object is to be displayed |
Bitmap_Width | Returns the width of the image contained in the file named by bitmap |
Client_Size | [Obsolete] |
Color | The background color of the object |
Container_Handle | Returns the Windows window handle of the DataFlex object's container |
Extended_Window_Style | Sets the extended window style for the Windows object |
FontItalics | Determines if current font is to be italicized |
FontPointHeight | Represents the height of an object in points. Suggested mechanism for getting and setting font heights. |
FontSize | Obsolete Returns/sets the font size of the current font |
FontUnderline | Determines if font will be printed with underscores at the base of the character |
FontWeight | Striking weight of control's font |
GuiLocation | Determines the position of the object expressed in physical pixels relative to the upper left-hand corner of the parent object's client-area |
GuiSize | Determines the size (height and width) of the object expressed in physical pixels |
pbSizeToClientArea | Determines if the object's size is based on the outer window bounding area or the client size area |
peAnchors | Describes how you want the control to react whenever its container changes size |
Physical_FontSize | Obsolete Specifies the fontsize in pixels |
piMaxSize | Determines the limit of the maximum size that a Component can be |
piMinSize | Determines the limit of the minimum size that a Component can be |
Text_Extent | Returns the pixel with of the passed TextValue based on the typeface and style of the current object |
TextColor | The text color of the object |
Transparent_State | |
Value | Gets and sets the data value for an object/item |
Window_Handle | Returns the Windows window handle of the DataFlex object |
Window_Style | Sets the window style for the Windows object |
Inherited Properties from cUIObject | |
Active_State | Indicates whether or not the object is activated |
Attach_Parent_State | Determines whether an object that is activated will be added to the next level of the current focus (false) or the next level of its parent (true) |
Block_Mouse_State | Determines whether or not the use of the mouse is restricted |
Client_Area_State | Determines if object is a user interface container for children |
ContainsFocus | Determines if the container contains the focus |
Current_Scope | Returns the object_id of the currently active scoping object |
Dynamic_Update_State | Determines whether or not the image of an object that can be seen will be updated when a change to the object occurs |
Entry_msg | Hook sent whenever the object is about to receive the focus |
Error_Text | Gets the text from FLEXERRS.DAT that corresponds to the passed error number |
Error_Text_Available | Determines if Error Text is available for this error number |
Exit_msg | Hook sent whenever the object is about to lose the focus |
Find_Scope | Returns the scoping object of the current object |
Focus | Returns the ID of the object that currently has the focus |
Focus_Mode | Determines the conditions under which the object will take the focus |
Key_Path | Determines the delegation path for on_key key assignments |
Last_Child | Returns the Object_Id of the last focus child |
Location | Determines the position of the upper left pixel of the object's window |
Module_Name | Obsolete Assists in the process of locating context-sensitive help information |
Next_Focus | Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the next object at the same level as this object |
Next_Level | Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the first object in the next level |
Next_Scope | Returns the object that is the next_scope object of the current scope |
Popup_State | Determines whether the object should respond to the standard Activate message, or via the Popup message |
Prior_Focus | Returns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the prior object at the same level as this object |
Prior_Level | Returns the object that is the root of this object's level in the focus tree |
Prior_Scope | Returns the object that is the prior_scope object of the current scope |
Ring_State | Determines whether or not the objects added into the next level of this object are to act as a ring |
RingParent | Returns the object handle of the object that is its ring parent |
Scope_Focus | A property of scope objects in the focus tree |
Scope_State | Determines whether the objects at the next level of this object and beyond, are to be scoped by this object |
Search_Case | Determines whether searches performed are case-sensitive or not |
Size | Determines the size of a window in dialog units |
Skip_State | Determines whether or not the switch and switch_back messages skip over this object during focus movement |
Visible_State | Determines whether object is visible |
Inherited Properties from cObject | |
Child_Count | Returns the number of child objects the object contains |
Delegation_Mode | Determines if and how unknown messages are delegated |
Name | Returns the full name of the object including parentage |
Object_Id | Returns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists |
Object_Label | Returns the short name of an object |
Parent | Returns the parent of an object |
peNeighborhood | Determines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing |