MDIDialog is used to create Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child dialog objects for use inside a MDI client-area object (MdiClientArea or subclass thereof). An MdiDialog object has icons for maximize and minimize, a non-resizable border, system-menu icon, and a caption bar. The object is bound (clipped) by its client area. Use the subclass View or dbView for instantiation.
A proper MDI (Multiple-Document-Interface) application consists of an MDI panel object (which contains and supports a menu bar, a tool bar, a status bar and a client area), and an MDI client-area object (which contains and supports MDI child dialogs, or views). The MDIDialog class adds low-level Windows MDI child-dialog support. Although the MDIDialog is descended from the Container3d class, its purpose, appearance, and usage are quite different.
Before this class can be used for instantiation, an additional level of support must be created. This additional layer is added in the App... classes (AppPanel, AppClientArea, AppDialog). This additional layer is required to enable MDI objects to cooperate with each other. For this reason, the MDIDialog class is intended only for subclassing (primarily to create AppDialog).
Objects based on this class or a subclass must be placed inside a MDI client-area object.
Normally, an MDIDialog object has icons for maximize and minimize, a non-resizable border, system-menu icon, and a caption bar. The object is bound (clipped) by its client area. The caption bar will contain a text caption which is set with the label property.
The MDIDialog sets a number of properties to make its behavior and appearance consistent with MDI child-dialog objects. It sets the following properties to true: Mdi_State, Minimize_Icon, Sysmenu_Icon, Caption_Bar, Attach_Parent_State, Scope_State, Ring_State and Popup_State. It sets Maximize_Icon to False. It is not important that you understand these properties.
When an object of this class is resized by users, this object sends the OnResize message to itself. This message is supplied with no definition as a "hook" procedure to use when some action, such as resizing child list objects, is desired on resizing of this object.