Properties for ReportView

View property list in alphabetical order

Output_Device_ModeDirects the output of reports from WinReport and CrystalReport objects
Output_Device_NameDirects the output of reports from BasicReport objects

Inherited Properties from AppDialog

pbAutoActivateDesign-time property that determines whether a view is automatically activated when it's parent panel activates
pbDisableSaveEnvironmentDetermines whether Views and ReportViews save and restore size and location on closing and reopening, respectively

Inherited Properties from MdiDialog

Default_Action_ButtonThe object handle of the default action button
Modal_StateDefines whether an object should behave as a modal object or not

Inherited Properties from Container3d

Auto_Locate_StateLocates itself relative to any item that invokes it with a popup message when set true
BitmapDisplays a bitmap in an object
Column_OffsetDetermines the offset to the invoking item by number of columns
Enabled_StateDetermines if an object is enabled or disabled
Explicit_Shadow_StateIndicates if an object is contextually shadowed by an ancestor
Help_IdUsed to specify an object's context ID
Help_KeywordUsed to specify an object's context keyword
Item_Shadow_StateDetermines if an object's item is enabled or disabled
LabelThis is the text that appears within this control
Locate_ModeProvides several flexible methods for auto positioning container panels in your program
Object_Shadow_StateReplaced by enabled_state, whose boolean logic is the inverse of this property's
psHtmlHelpTopicHtml help page name (e.g. reporting.htm) and optional bookmark. Can be used to locate the proper contextual help page.
Row_OffsetDetermines the offset to the invoking item by number of rows
Status_HelpDetermines the status text that will be displayed when this object takes the focus
Use_Parent_Status_HelpDetermines if parent's status help is used when object status help is empty

Inherited Properties from DfBaseDialog

Border_StyleSpecifies the border style of this object
Caption_Barcontains the title of the DfBaseDialog object and allows you to move the DfBaseDialog
IconAllows you to set the name of an icon, which appears in the top left corner of a component and when the user minimizes a container
Maximize_IconDetermines if DfBaseDialog is displayed with a Maximize icon button
Mdi_StateUsed to find out if a given object is a MDI child window
Minimize_IconDetermines if DfBaseDialog is displayed with a Minimize icon button
Sysmenu_IconDetermines if DfBaseDialog is displayed with a system menu-icon that displays a list of standard operations
View_ModeChanges the appearance of the DfBaseDialog window

Inherited Properties from DfBaseContainer

pbAcceptDropFilesDetermines if the container object supports a file drop event

Inherited Properties from DfBaseUIWindow

Mouse_CaptureCauses all DataFlex mouse events to be sent to the object that captures the mouse
Windows_Override_StateAllows DataFlex to stop the default windows behavior for mouse and keyboard messages

Inherited Properties from DfBaseWindow

Absolute_GuiOriginReturns the screen coordinates of the top left corner of a DataFlex object
Bitmap_HeightReturns the height of the image contained in the file named by bitmap
Bitmap_StyleSpecifies the position, size, or shape in which the bitmap image for this object is to be displayed
Bitmap_WidthReturns the width of the image contained in the file named by bitmap
ColorThe background color of the object
Container_HandleReturns the Windows window handle of the DataFlex object's container
Extended_Window_StyleSets the extended window style for the Windows object
FontItalicsDetermines if current font is to be italicized
FontPointHeightRepresents the height of an object in points. Suggested mechanism for getting and setting font heights.
FontSizeObsolete Returns/sets the font size of the current font
FontUnderlineDetermines if font will be printed with underscores at the base of the character
FontWeightStriking weight of control's font
GuiLocationDetermines the position of the object expressed in physical pixels relative to the upper left-hand corner of the parent object's client-area
pbSizeToClientAreaDetermines if the object's size is based on the outer window bounding area or the client size area
peAnchorsDescribes how you want the control to react whenever its container changes size
Physical_FontSizeObsolete Specifies the fontsize in pixels
piMaxSizeDetermines the limit of the maximum size that a Component can be
piMinSizeDetermines the limit of the minimum size that a Component can be
Text_ExtentReturns the pixel with of the passed TextValue based on the typeface and style of the current object
TextColorThe text color of the object
ValueGets and sets the data value for an object/item
Window_HandleReturns the Windows window handle of the DataFlex object
Window_StyleSets the window style for the Windows object

Inherited Properties from cUIObject

Active_StateIndicates whether or not the object is activated
Attach_Parent_StateDetermines whether an object that is activated will be added to the next level of the current focus (false) or the next level of its parent (true)
Block_Mouse_StateDetermines whether or not the use of the mouse is restricted
Client_Area_StateDetermines if object is a user interface container for children
ContainsFocusDetermines if the container contains the focus
Current_ScopeReturns the object_id of the currently active scoping object
Dynamic_Update_StateDetermines whether or not the image of an object that can be seen will be updated when a change to the object occurs
Entry_msgHook sent whenever the object is about to receive the focus
Error_TextGets the text from FLEXERRS.DAT that corresponds to the passed error number
Error_Text_AvailableDetermines if Error Text is available for this error number
Exit_msgHook sent whenever the object is about to lose the focus
Find_ScopeReturns the scoping object of the current object
FocusReturns the ID of the object that currently has the focus
Focus_ModeDetermines the conditions under which the object will take the focus
Key_PathDetermines the delegation path for on_key key assignments
Last_ChildReturns the Object_Id of the last focus child
LocationDetermines the position of the upper left pixel of the object's window
Module_NameObsolete Assists in the process of locating context-sensitive help information
Next_FocusReturns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the next object at the same level as this object
Next_LevelReturns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the first object in the next level
Next_ScopeReturns the object that is the next_scope object of the current scope
Popup_StateDetermines whether the object should respond to the standard Activate message, or via the Popup message
Prior_FocusReturns the object that is positioned in the focus tree as the prior object at the same level as this object
Prior_LevelReturns the object that is the root of this object's level in the focus tree
Prior_ScopeReturns the object that is the prior_scope object of the current scope
Ring_StateDetermines whether or not the objects added into the next level of this object are to act as a ring
RingParentReturns the object handle of the object that is its ring parent
Scope_FocusA property of scope objects in the focus tree
Scope_StateDetermines whether the objects at the next level of this object and beyond, are to be scoped by this object
Search_CaseDetermines whether searches performed are case-sensitive or not
SizeDetermines the size of a window in dialog units
Skip_StateDetermines whether or not the switch and switch_back messages skip over this object during focus movement
Visible_StateDetermines whether object is visible

Inherited Properties from cObject

Child_CountReturns the number of child objects the object contains
Delegation_ModeDetermines if and how unknown messages are delegated
NameReturns the full name of the object including parentage
Object_IdReturns the object handle of the object, can be used to determine if an object exists
Object_LabelReturns the short name of an object
ParentReturns the parent of an object
peNeighborhoodDetermines how an object and its descendents participate in object neighborhood referencing