To provide a one-column table of validation data statically defined within the object itself for validation lists used through the Field_Value_Table field property in DataDictionary objects.
This sample creates a simple list of Credit Card choices
Use ddValTbl.pkg Object oCreditCards is a ValidationTable Set Table_Title to "Select a Credit Card" Procedure Fill_List Send Add_Table_Value "American Express" Send Add_Table_Value "Diners Club" Send Add_Table_Value "Mastercard" Send Add_Table_Value "Visa" End_Procedure End_Object
This is a minimal validation object for assignment in DataDictionary objects to database fields with the Field_Value_Table property. It provides only values for insertion into the database. It is the superclass of a hierarchy of more-capable and -complex validation classes, but is usable in its own right in simple, static situations.
If the Validate_State property is set to False, entries are permitted that are not in the list; in its default True state, it requires an entry that matches one of the existing table items. If the Static_State property is set to False, the list will be filled every time the table is activated; in its default True state, the object is loaded with its list only once in each session.