ClearErrors - cBaseWebComponent

Clears the error queue

Type: Procedure

Parameters: None

Procedure ClearErrors 

Call: Send ClearErrors


This clears the error queue. During some processes, errors are placed in an error queue. These queued errors are then processed at a later time. After the errors are processed, you may clear the error queue by sending the ClearErrors message. Note that the error queue is also cleared when you send the ErrorQueueStart message.

DataFlex Code

Send ClearErrors

Script Code

<% WBO.Call "msg_ClearErrors" %>

Registering Messages in the WBO

Before this message can be used within your script code, it must be registered within your WBO. This is done by sending the appropriate RegisterInterface message or by sending the RegisterBasicErrorInterface, RegisterFullErrorInterface, or RegisterStandardInterface message.

To register the ClearErrors send one of the following:

Send RegisterInterface  msg_ClearErrors "msg_ClearErrors" ;
    "sFile iRecord"  "This will clear the error queue"

Send RegisterBasicInterface

Send RegisterFullErrorInterface

Send RegisterStandardInterface