Property Handle Main_DD
Read Access: | Get Main_DD to HandleVariable |
Write Access: | Set Main_DD to HandleVariable/Value |
The Main_DD property identifies the DataDictionary object that controls the database file, the data from which is central to this object's function. The main DataDictionary must be one of the DataDictionaries contained within the WBO object.
Set Main_DD to (oCustomer_DD(self)) Get Main_DD to hDDObjectID
<%hDDObjectID= WBO.Call ("get_main_dd")%>
Before this message can be used within your script code, it must be registered within your WBO. Sending the appropriate RegisterInterface message does this.
Send RegisterInterface get_main_dd "get_main_dd" ; "sFile iRecord" "This property retrieves the setting that determines the central DD for the WBO"