Methods for cCJUnRememberFieldMenuItem

View method list in alphabetical order

IsEnabledFunctionReturns True if the item is a data entry object
RememberedValueFunctionSets the Field_RememberedValue for the current DEO

Inherited Methods from cCJDeoMenuItem

DEOInformationFunctionReturns data entry information about the focus object
DEOInformationExFunctionDetermines whether the focus object is a DEO

Inherited Methods from cCJMenuItem

AddDynamicControlFunctionUsed to add a dynamically created control to a popup menumenu
CreateComControlFunctionCreates the COM control. This is called as part of the commandbar system activation process
CreateComInstanceProcedureCalled as part of the COM object creation process. Creates the COM controls for this object (action and control) and its children
CreateCommandBarControlFunctionCreates the COM control and adds to the passed collection of controls
IsPopupFunctionReturns true if the object is a popup type control

Inherited Methods from cCJAction

ClassForControlTypeFunctionReturns the best class for the passed control type
CreateComActionProcedureCreates the COM action. This is called as part of the commandbar system activation process
CreateFirstProxyControlFunctionFinds the first COM control for this menu item and creates a proxy object for it.
CreateProxyControlFunctionCreate a proxy object that is bound to the passed COM control
DestroyProcedureDestroys the action and all controls associatied with the action
ExecuteProcedureThis triggers an action's execute process, causing OnExecute to be sent.
FindAllControlsFunctionFinds all COM controls that have the same ID as this action
FindFirstControlFunctionFinds the first COM control that has the same ID as this action
IsCheckedFunctionFunction which indicates if an action should be checked
IsVisibleFunctionFunction which indicates if an action should be visible
UpdateProcedureIs called to Update the state (enabled, checked, visible) of an action.

Inherited Methods from cComAutomationObject

AttachActiveObjectFunctionLooks for an active COM object of its class in the system ROT (Running Object Table) and attaches it to the DataFlex object
IsComObjectCreatedFunctionTests to see if a COM object exists by getting the value of IsComObjectCreated

Inherited Methods from DfComAutomationObject

CreateComObjectProcedureConnects to an instance of the Automation object
RegisterComEventProcedureRegisters a COM event in the runtime COM event handler routine.

Inherited Methods from cObject

ChildByIndexFunctionCan be used to iterate the direct children of an object
ClassSuperClassFunctionReturns the superclass of the passed class
CreateFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id
CreateNamedFunctionCreates an object based on the passed Class Id and assigns it a name Name based on a passed name
Exit_ApplicationProcedureStarts the process of closing an application
IsClassOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the target class is part of the searched class's hierarchy
IsObjectOfClassFunctionDetermines whether the passed class is part of the object's class hierarchy
ObjectClassFunctionReturns the integer class ID assigned to the class this object is based on
Request_Destroy_ObjectProcedureUse the Destroy method instead [Obsolete]